Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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      From the cruelty of the Titan and his pain.

      There shall be peace and joy for ever more.”

      On passed she in her spirit’s upward route.

      An ardent grandeur climbed mid ferns and rocks,

      A quiet wind flattered the heart to warmth,

      A finer perfume breathed from slender trees.

      All beautiful grew, subtle and high and strange.

      Here on a boulder carved like a huge throne

      A Woman sat in gold and purple sheen,

      Armed with the trident and the thunderbolt,

      Her feet upon a couchant lion’s back.

      A formidable smile curved round her lips,

      Heaven-fire laughed in the corners of her eyes;

      Her body a mass of courage and heavenly strength,

      She menaced the triumph of the nether gods.

      A halo of lightnings flamed around her head

      And sovereignty, a great cestus, zoned her robe

      And majesty and victory sat with her

      Guarding in the wide cosmic battlefield

      Against the flat equality of Death

      And the all-levelling insurgent Night

      The hierarchy of the ordered Powers,

      The high changeless values, the peaked eminences,

      The privileged aristocracy of Truth,

      And in the governing Ideal’s sun

      The triumvirate of wisdom, love and bliss

      And the sole autocracy of the absolute Light.

      August on her seat in the inner world of Mind,

      The Mother of Might looked down on passing things,

      Listened to the advancing tread of Time,

      Saw the irresistible wheeling of the suns

      And heard the thunder of the march of God.

      Amid the swaying Forces in their strife

      Sovereign was her word of luminous command,

      Her speech like a war-cry rang or a pilgrim chant.

      A charm restoring hope in failing hearts

      Aspired the harmony of her puissant voice:

      “O Savitri, I am thy secret soul.

      I have come down into the human world

      And the movement watched by an unsleeping Eye

      And the dark contrariety of earth’s fate

      And the battle of the bright and sombre Powers.

      I stand upon earth’s paths of danger and grief

      And help the unfortunate and save the doomed.

      To the strong I bring the guerdon of their strength,

      To the weak I bring the armour of my force;

      To men who long I carry their coveted joy:

      I am fortune justifying the great and wise

      By the sanction of the plaudits of the crowd,

      Then trampling them with the armed heel of fate.

      My ear is leaned to the cry of the oppressed,

      I topple down the thrones of tyrant kings:

      A cry comes from proscribed and hunted lives

      Appealing to me against a pitiless world,

      A voice of the forsaken and desolate

      And the lone prisoner in his dungeon cell.

      Men hail in my coming the Almighty’s force

      Or praise with thankful tears his saviour Grace.

      I smite the Titan who bestrides the world

      And slay the ogre in his blood-stained den.

      I am Durga, goddess of the proud and strong,

      And Lakshmi, queen of the fair and fortunate;

      I wear the face of Kali when I kill,

      I trample the corpses of the demon hordes.

      I am charged by God to do his mighty work,

      Uncaring I serve his will who sent me forth,

      Reckless of peril and earthly consequence.

      I reason not of virtue and of sin

      But do the deed he has put into my heart.

      I fear not for the angry frown of Heaven,

      I flinch not from the red assault of Hell;

      I crush the opposition of the gods,

      Tread down a million goblin obstacles.

      I guide man to the path of the Divine

      And guard him from the red Wolf and the Snake.

      I set in his mortal hand my heavenly sword

      And put on him the breastplate of the gods.

      I break the ignorant pride of human mind

      And lead the thought to the wideness of the Truth;

      I rend man’s narrow and successful life

      And force his sorrowful eyes to gaze at the sun

      That he may die to earth and live in his soul.

      I know the goal, I know the secret route;

      I have studied the map of the invisible worlds;

      I am the battle’s head, the journey’s star.

      But the great obstinate world resists my Word,

      And the crookedness and evil in man’s heart

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