Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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stronger than Reason, profounder than the Pit,

      And the malignancy of hostile Powers

      Puts craftily back the clock of destiny

      And mightier seems than the eternal Will.

      The cosmic evil is too deep to unroot,

      The cosmic suffering is too vast to heal.

      A few I guide who pass me towards the Light;

      A few I save, the mass falls back unsaved;

      A few I help, the many strive and fail.

      But my heart I have hardened and I do my work:

      Slowly the light grows greater in the East,

      Slowly the world progresses on God’s road.

      His seal is on my task, it cannot fail:

      I shall hear the silver swing of heaven’s gates

      When God comes out to meet the soul of the world.”

      She spoke and from the lower human world

      An answer, a warped echo met her speech;

      The voice came through the spaces of the mind

      Of the dwarf-Titan, the deformed chained god

      Who strives to master his nature’s rebel stuff

      And make the universe his instrument.

      The Ego of this great world of desire

      Claimed earth and the wide heavens for the use

      Of man, head of the life it shapes on earth,

      Its representative and conscious soul,

      And symbol of evolving light and force

      And vessel of the godhead that must be.

      A thinking animal, Nature’s struggling lord,

      Has made of her his nurse and tool and slave

      And pays to her as wage and emolument

      Inescapably by a deep law in things

      His heart’s grief and his body’s death and pain:

      His pains are her means to grow, to see and feel;

      His death assists her immortality.

      A tool and slave of his own slave and tool,

      He praises his free will and his master mind

      And is pushed by her upon her chosen paths;

      Possessor he is possessed and, ruler, ruled,

      Her conscious automaton, her desire’s dupe.

      His soul is her guest, a sovereign mute, inert,

      His body her robot, his life her way to live,

      His conscious mind her strong revolted serf.

      The voice rose up and smote some inner sun.

      “I am the heir of the forces of the earth,

      Slowly I make good my right to my estate;

      A growing godhead in her divinised mud,

      I climb, a claimant to the throne of heaven.

      The last-born of the earth I stand the first;

      Her slow millenniums waited for my birth.

      Although I live in Time besieged by Death,

      Precarious owner of my body and soul

      Housed on a little speck amid the stars,

      For me and my use the universe was made.

      Immortal spirit in the perishing clay,

      I am God still unevolved in human form;

      Even if he is not, he becomes in me.

      The sun and moon are lights upon my path;

      Air was invented for my lungs to breathe,

      Conditioned as a wide and wall-less space

      For my winged chariot’s wheels to cleave a road,

      The sea was made for me to swim and sail

      And bear my golden commerce on its back:

      It laughs cloven by my pleasure’s gliding keel,

      I laugh at its black stare of fate and death.

      The earth is my floor, the sky my living’s roof.

      All was prepared through many a silent age,

      God made experiments with animal shapes,

      Then only when all was ready I was born.

      I was born weak and small and ignorant,

      A helpless creature in a difficult world

      Travelling through my brief years with death at my side;

      I have grown greater than Nature, wiser than God.

      I have made real what she never dreamed,

      I have seized her powers and harnessed for my work,

      I have shaped her metals and new metals made;

      I will make glass and raiment out of milk,

      Make iron velvet, water unbreakable stone,

      Like God in his astuce of artist skill,

      Mould from one primal plasm protean forms,

      In single Nature multitudinous lives,

      All that imagination can conceive

      In mind intangible, remould anew

      In Matter’s plastic solid and concrete.

      No magic can surpass my magic’s skill.

      There is no miracle I shall not achieve.

      What God imperfect left, I will complete,

      Out of a tangled mind and half-made soul


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