Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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me not to die the great eternal death,

      Left naked of my own humanity

      In the chill vast of the spirit’s boundlessness.

      Each creature by its nature’s limits lives,

      And how can one evade his native fate?

      Human I am, human let me remain

      Till in the Inconscient I fall dumb and sleep.

      A high insanity, a chimaera is this,

      To think that God lives hidden in the clay

      And that eternal Truth can dwell in Time,

      And call to her to save our self and world.

      How can man grow immortal and divine

      Transmuting the very stuff of which he is made?

      This wizard gods may dream, not thinking men.”

      And Savitri heard the voice, the warped answer heard

      And turning to her being of light she spoke:

      “Madonna of light, Mother of joy and peace,

      Thou art a portion of my self put forth

      To raise the spirit to its forgotten heights

      And wake the soul by touches of the heavens.

      Because thou art, the soul draws near to God;

      Because thou art, love grows in spite of hate

      And knowledge walks unslain in the pit of Night.

      But not by showering heaven’s golden rain

      Upon the intellect’s hard and rocky soil

      Can the tree of Paradise flower on earthly ground

      And the Bird of Paradise sit upon life’s boughs

      And the winds of Paradise visit mortal air.

      Even if thou rain down intuition’s rays,

      The mind of man will think it earth’s own gleam,

      His spirit by spiritual ego sink,

      Or his soul dream shut in sainthood’s brilliant cell

      Where only a bright shadow of God can come.

      His hunger for the eternal thou must nurse

      And fill his yearning heart with heaven’s fire

      And bring God down into his body and life.

      One day I will return, His hand in mine,

      And thou shalt see the face of the Absolute.

      Then shall the holy marriage be achieved,

      Then shall the divine family be born.

      There shall be light and peace in all the worlds.”

      End of Canto Four

      Canto Five

      The Finding of the Soul

      Onward she passed seeking the soul’s mystic cave.

      At first she stepped into a night of God.

      The light was quenched that helps the labouring world,

      The power that struggles and stumbles in our life;

      This inefficient mind gave up its thoughts,

      The striving heart its unavailing hopes.

      All knowledge failed and the Idea’s forms

      And Wisdom screened in awe her lowly head

      Feeling a Truth too great for thought or speech,

      Formless, ineffable, for ever the same.

      An innocent and holy Ignorance

      Adored like one who worships formless God

      The unseen Light she could not claim nor own.

      In a simple purity of emptiness

      Her mind knelt down before the unknowable.

      All was abolished save her naked self

      And the prostrate yearning of her surrendered heart:

      There was no strength in her, no pride of force;

      The lofty burning of desire had sunk

      Ashamed, a vanity of separate self,

      The hope of spiritual greatness fled,

      Salvation she asked not nor a heavenly crown:

      Humility seemed now too proud a state.

      Her self was nothing, God alone was all,

      Yet God she knew not but only knew he was.

      A sacred darkness brooded now within,

      The world was a deep darkness great and nude.

      This void held more than all the teeming worlds,

      This blank felt more than all that Time has borne,

      This dark knew dumbly, immensely the Unknown.

      But all was formless, voiceless, infinite.

      As might a shadow walk in a shadowy scene,

      A small nought passing through a mightier Nought,

      A night of person in a bare outline

      Crossing a fathomless impersonal Night,

      Silent she moved, empty and absolute.

      In endless Time her soul reached a wide end,

      The spaceless Vast became her spirit’s place.

      At last a change approached, the emptiness broke;

      A wave rippled within, the world had stirred;

      Once more her inner self became her space.

      There was felt a blissful nearness to the goal;

      Heaven leaned low to kiss the sacred hill,


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