Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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borne to blissful regions far from her

      Forgetting the sweetness of earth’s warm delight,

      Forgetting the passionate oneness of love’s clasp,

      Absolved in the self-rapt immortal’s bliss.

      Always he was with her, a living soul

      That met her eyes with close enamoured eyes,

      A living body near to her body’s joy.

      But now no longer in these great wild woods

      In kinship with the days of bird and beast

      And levelled to the bareness of earth’s brown breast,

      But mid the thinking high-built lives of men

      In tapestried chambers and on crystal floors,

      In armoured town or gardened pleasure-walks,

      Even in distance closer than her thoughts,

      Body to body near, soul near to soul,

      Moving as if by a common breath and will

      They were tied in the single circling of their days

      Together by love’s unseen atmosphere,

      Inseparable like the earth and sky.

      Thus for a while she trod the Golden Path;

      This was the sun before abysmal Night.

      Once as she sat in deep felicitous muse,

      Still quivering from her lover’s strong embrace,

      And made her joy a bridge twixt earth and heaven,

      An abyss yawned suddenly beneath her heart.

      A vast and nameless fear dragged at her nerves

      As drags a wild beast its half-slaughtered prey;

      It seemed to have no den from which it sprang:

      It was not hers, but hid its unseen cause.

      Then rushing came its vast and fearful Fount.

      A formless Dread with shapeless endless wings

      Filling the universe with its dangerous breath,

      A denser darkness than the Night could bear,

      Enveloped the heavens and possessed the earth.

      A rolling surge of silent death, it came

      Curving round the far edge of the quaking globe;

      Effacing heaven with its enormous stride

      It willed to expunge the choked and anguished air

      And end the fable of the joy of life.

      It seemed her very being to forbid,

      Abolishing all by which her nature lived,

      And laboured to blot out her body and soul,

      A clutch of some half-seen Invisible,

      An ocean of terror and of sovereign might,

      A person and a black infinity.

      It seemed to cry to her without thought or word

      The message of its dark eternity

      And the awful meaning of its silences:

      Out of some sullen monstrous vast arisen,

      Out of an abysmal deep of grief and fear

      Imagined by some blind regardless self,

      A consciousness of being without its joy,

      Empty of thought, incapable of bliss,

      That felt life blank and nowhere found a soul,

      A voice to the dumb anguish of the heart

      Conveyed a stark sense of unspoken words;

      In her own depths she heard the unuttered thought

      That made unreal the world and all life meant.

      “Who art thou who claimst thy crown of separate birth,

      The illusion of thy soul’s reality

      And personal godhead on an ignorant globe

      In the animal body of imperfect man?

      Hope not to be happy in a world of pain

      And dream not, listening to the unspoken Word

      And dazzled by the inexpressible Ray,

      Transcending the mute Superconscient’s realm,

      To give a body to the Unknowable,

      Or for a sanction to thy heart’s delight

      To burden with bliss the silent still Supreme

      Profaning its bare and formless sanctity,

      Or call into thy chamber the Divine

      And sit with God tasting a human joy.

      I have created all, all I devour;

      I am Death and the dark terrible Mother of life,

      I am Kali black and naked in the world,

      I am Maya and the universe is my cheat.

      I lay waste human happiness with my breath

      And slay the will to live, the joy to be

      That all may pass back into nothingness

      And only abide the eternal and absolute.

      For only the blank Eternal can be true.

      All else is shadow and flash in Mind’s bright glass,

      Mind, hollow mirror in which Ignorance sees

      A splendid figure of its own false self

      And dreams it sees a glorious solid world.

      O soul, inventor of man’s thoughts and hopes,

      Thyself the invention of the moments’ stream,


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