Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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      Life was his drama and the Vast a stage,

      The universe was his body, God its soul.

      All was one single immense reality,

      All its innumerable phenomenon.

      Her spirit saw the world as living God;

      It saw the One and knew that all was He.

      She knew him as the Absolute’s self-space,

      One with her self and ground of all things here

      In which the world wanders seeking for the Truth

      Guarded behind its face of ignorance:

      She followed him through the march of endless Time.

      All Nature’s happenings were events in her,

      The heart-beats of the cosmos were her own,

      All beings thought and felt and moved in her;

      She inhabited the vastness of the world,

      Its distances were her nature’s boundaries,

      Its closenesses her own life’s intimacies.

      Her mind became familiar with its mind,

      Its body was her body’s larger frame

      In which she lived and knew herself in it

      One, multitudinous in its multitudes.

      She was a single being, yet all things;

      The world was her spirit’s wide circumference,

      The thoughts of others were her intimates,

      Their feelings close to her universal heart,

      Their bodies her many bodies kin to her;

      She was no more herself but all the world.

      Out of the infinitudes all came to her,

      Into the infinitudes sentient she spread,

      Infinity was her own natural home.

      Nowhere she dwelt, her spirit was everywhere,

      The distant constellations wheeled round her;

      Earth saw her born, all worlds were her colonies,

      The greater worlds of life and mind were hers;

      All Nature reproduced her in its lines,

      Its movements were large copies of her own.

      She was the single self of all these selves,

      She was in them and they were all in her.

      This first was an immense identity

      In which her own identity was lost:

      What seemed herself was an image of the Whole.

      She was a subconscient life of tree and flower,

      The outbreak of the honied buds of spring;

      She burned in the passion and splendour of the rose,

      She was the red heart of the passion-flower,

      The dream-white of the lotus in its pool.

      Out of subconscient life she climbed to mind,

      She was thought and the passion of the world’s heart,

      She was the godhead hid in the heart of man,

      She was the climbing of his soul to God.

      The cosmos flowered in her, she was its bed.

      She was Time and the dreams of God in Time;

      She was Space and the wideness of his days.

      From this she rose where Time and Space were not;

      The superconscient was her native air,

      Infinity was her movement’s natural space;

      Eternity looked out from her on Time.

      End of Canto Seven

      End of Book Seven


      The Book of Death

      The Book of Death was taken from Canto Three of an early version of Savitri which had only six cantos and an epilogue. It was slightly revised at a late stage and a number of new lines were added, but it was never fully worked into the final version of the poem. Its original designation “Canto Three”, has been retained as a reminder of this.

      Canto Three

      Death in the Forest

      Now it was here in this great golden dawn.

      By her still sleeping husband lain she gazed

      Into her past as one about to die

      Looks back upon the sunlit fields of life

      Where he too ran and sported with the rest,

      Lifting his head above the huge dark stream

      Into whose depths he must for ever plunge.

      All she had been and done she lived again.

      The whole year in a swift and eddying race

      Of memories swept through her and fled away

      Into the irrecoverable past.

      Then silently she rose and, service done,

      Bowed down to the great goddess simply carved

      By Satyavan upon a forest stone.

      What prayer she breathed her soul and Durga knew.

      Perhaps she felt in the dim forest huge

      The infinite Mother watching over her child,

      Perhaps the shrouded Voice spoke some still word.

      At last she came to the pale mother queen.

      She spoke but with guarded lips and tranquil face

      Lest some stray word or some betraying look

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