Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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      All feelings seemed quiescent, calm or dead,

      As if the heart-strings rent could work no more

      And joy and grief could never rise again.

      The heart beat on with an unconscious rhythm

      But no response came from it and no cry.

      Vain was the provocation of events;

      Nothing within answered an outside touch,

      No nerve was stirred and no reaction rose.

      Yet still her body saw and moved and spoke;

      It understood without the aid of thought,

      It said whatever needed to be said,

      It did whatever needed to be done.

      There was no person there behind the act,

      No mind that chose or passed the fitting word:

      All wrought like an unerring apt machine.

      As if continuing old habitual turns,

      And pushed by an old unexhausted force

      The engine did the work for which it was made:

      Her consciousness looked on and took no part;

      All it upheld, in nothing had a share.

      There was no strong initiator will;

      An incoherence crossing a firm void

      Slipped into an order of related chance.

      A pure perception was the only power

      That stood behind her action and her sight.

      If that retired, all objects would be extinct,

      Her private universe would cease to be,

      The house she had built with bricks of thought and sense

      In the beginning after the birth of Space.

      This seeing was identical with the seen;

      It knew without knowledge all that could be known,

      It saw impartially the world go by,

      But in the same supine unmoving glance

      Saw too its abysmal unreality.

      It watched the figure of the cosmic game,

      But the thought and inner life in forms seemed dead,

      Abolished by her own collapse of thought:

      A hollow physical shell persisted still.

      All seemed a brilliant shadow of itself,

      A cosmic film of scenes and images:

      The enduring mass and outline of the hills

      Was a design sketched on a silent mind

      And held to a tremulous false solidity

      By constant beats of visionary sight.

      The forest with its emerald multitudes

      Clothed with its show of hues vague empty Space,

      A painting’s colours hiding a surface void

      That flickered upon dissolution’s edge;

      The blue heavens, an illusion of the eyes,

      Roofed in the mind’s illusion of a world.

      The men who walked beneath an unreal sky

      Seemed mobile puppets out of cardboard cut

      And pushed by unseen hands across the soil

      Or moving pictures upon Fancy’s film:

      There was no soul within, no power of life.

      The brain’s vibrations that appear like thought,

      The nerve’s brief answer to each contact’s knock,

      The heart’s quiverings felt as joy and grief and love

      Were twitchings of the body, their seeming self,

      That body forged from atoms and from gas

      A manufactured lie of Maya’s make,

      Its life a dream seen by the sleeping Void.

      The animals lone or trooping through the glades

      Fled like a passing vision of beauty and grace

      Imagined by some all-creating Eye.

      Yet something was there behind the fading scene;

      Wherever she turned, at whatsoever she looked,

      It was perceived, yet hid from mind and sight.

      The One only real shut itself from Space

      And stood aloof from the idea of Time.

      Its truth escaped from shape and line and hue.

      All else grew unsubstantial, self-annulled,

      This only everlasting seemed and true,

      Yet nowhere dwelt, it was outside the hours.

      This only could justify the labour of sight,

      But sight could not define for it a form;

      This only could appease the unsatisfied ear

      But hearing listened in vain for a missing sound;

      This answered not the sense, called not to Mind.

      It met her as the uncaught inaudible Voice

      That speaks for ever from the Unknowable.

      It met her like an omnipresent point

      Pure of dimensions, unfixed, invisible,

      The single oneness of its multiplied beat

      Accentuating its sole eternity.

      It faced her as some vast Nought’s immensity,

      An endless No to all that seems to be,

      An endless Yes to things

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