Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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Light with a golden ecstasy fills his brain

      And the Eternal’s wisdom drives his choice

      And eternal Will seizes the mortal’s will.

      It stirred in the lotus of her throat of song,

      And in her speech throbbed the immortal Word,

      Her life sounded with the steps of the world-soul

      Moving in harmony with the cosmic Thought.

      As glides God’s sun into the mystic cave

      Where hides his light from the pursuing gods,

      It glided into the lotus of her heart

      And woke in it the Force that alters Fate.

      It poured into her navel’s lotus depth,

      Lodged in the little life-nature’s narrow home,

      On the body’s longings grew heaven-rapture’s flower

      And made desire a pure celestial flame,

      Broke into the cave where coiled World-Energy sleeps

      And smote the thousand-hooded serpent Force

      That blazing towered and clasped the World-Self above,

      Joined Matter’s dumbness to the Spirit’s hush

      And filled earth’s acts with the Spirit’s silent power.

      Thus changed she waited for the Word to speak.

      Eternity looked into the eyes of Death

      And Darkness saw God’s living Reality.

      Then a Voice was heard that seemed the stillness’ self

      Or the low calm utterance of infinity

      When it speaks to the silence in the heart of sleep.

      “I hail thee, almighty and victorious Death,

      Thou grandiose Darkness of the Infinite.

      O Void that makest room for all to be,

      Hunger that gnawest at the universe

      Consuming the cold remnants of the suns

      And eatst the whole world with thy jaws of fire,

      Waster of the energy that has made the stars,

      Inconscience, carrier of the seeds of thought,

      Nescience in which All-Knowledge sleeps entombed

      And slowly emerges in its hollow breast

      Wearing the mind’s mask of bright Ignorance.

      Thou art my shadow and my instrument.

      I have given thee thy awful shape of dread

      And thy sharp sword of terror and grief and pain

      To force the soul of man to struggle for light

      On the brevity of his half-conscious days.

      Thou art his spur to greatness in his works,

      The whip to his yearning for eternal bliss,

      His poignant need of immortality.

      Live, Death, awhile, be still my instrument.

      One day man too shall know thy fathomless heart

      Of silence and the brooding peace of Night

      And grave obedience to eternal Law

      And the calm inflexible pity in thy gaze.

      But now, O timeless Mightiness, stand aside

      And leave the path of my incarnate Force.

      Relieve the radiant God from thy black mask:

      Release the soul of the world called Satyavan

      Freed from thy clutch of pain and ignorance

      That he may stand master of life and fate,

      Man’s representative in the house of God,

      The mate of Wisdom and the spouse of Light,

      The eternal bridegroom of the eternal bride.”

      She spoke; Death unconvinced resisted still,

      Although he knew refusing still to know,

      Although he saw refusing still to see.

      Unshakable he stood claiming his right.

      His spirit bowed; his will obeyed the law

      Of its own nature binding even on Gods.

      The Two opposed each other face to face.

      His being like a huge fort of darkness towered;

      Around it her light grew, an ocean’s siege.

      Awhile the Shade survived defying heaven:

      Assailing in front, oppressing from above,

      A concrete mass of conscious power, he bore

      The tyranny of her divine desire.

      A pressure of intolerable force

      Weighed on his unbowed head and stubborn breast;

      Light like a burning tongue licked up his thoughts,

      Light was a luminous torture in his heart,

      Light coursed, a splendid agony, through his nerves;

      His darkness muttered perishing in her blaze.

      Her mastering Word commanded every limb

      And left no room for his enormous will

      That seemed pushed out into some helpless space

      And could no more re-enter but left him void.

      He called to Night but she fell shuddering back,

      He called to Hell but sullenly it retired:

      He turned to the Inconscient for support,

      From which he was born, his vast sustaining self;

      It drew him back towards

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