Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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thrilled with the immanence of one divine.

      The lowest of these earths was still a heaven

      Translating into the splendour of things divine

      The beauty and brightness of terrestrial scenes.

      Eternal mountains ridge on gleaming ridge

      Whose lines were graved as on a sapphire plate

      And etched the borders of heaven’s lustrous noon

      Climbed like piled temple stairs and from their heads

      Of topless meditation heard below

      The approach of a blue pilgrim multitude

      And listened to a great arriving voice

      Of the wide travel hymn of timeless seas.

      A chanting crowd from mountain bosoms slipped

      Past branches fragrant with a sigh of flowers

      Hurrying through sweetnesses with revel leaps;

      The murmurous rivers of felicity

      Divinely rippled honey-voiced desires,

      Mingling their sister eddies of delight,

      Then, widening to a pace of calm-lipped muse,

      Down many-glimmered estuaries of dream

      Went whispering into lakes of liquid peace.

      On a brink held of senseless ecstasy

      And guarding an eternal poise of thought

      Sat sculptured souls dreaming by rivers of sound

      In changeless attitudes of marble bliss.

      Around her lived the children of God’s day

      In an unspeakable felicity,

      A happiness never lost, the immortal’s ease,

      A glad eternity’s blissful multitude.

      Around, the deathless nations moved and spoke,

      Souls of a luminous celestial joy,

      Faces of stark beauty, limbs of the moulded Ray;

      In cities cut like gems of conscious stone

      And wonderful pastures and on gleaming coasts

      Bright forms were seen, eternity’s luminous tribes.

      Above her rhythming godheads whirled the spheres,

      Rapt mobile fixities here blindly sought

      By the huge erring orbits of our stars.

      Ecstatic voices smote at hearing’s chords,

      Each movement found a music all its own;

      Songs thrilled of birds upon unfading boughs

      The colours of whose plumage had been caught

      From the rainbow of imagination’s wings.

      Immortal fragrance packed the quivering breeze.

      In groves that seemed moved bosoms and trembling depths

      The million children of the undying spring

      Bloomed, pure unnumbered stars of hued delight

      Nestling for shelter in their emerald sky:

      Faery flower-masses looked with laughing eyes.

      A dancing chaos, an iridescent sea

      Eternised to Heaven’s ever-wakeful sight

      The crowding petal-glow of marvel’s tints

      Which float across the curtained lids of dream.

      Immortal harmonies filled her listening ear;

      A great spontaneous utterance of the heights

      On Titan wings of rhythmic grandeur borne

      Poured from some deep spiritual heart of sound,

      Strains trembling with the secrets of the gods.

      A spirit wandered happily in the wind,

      A spirit brooded in the leaf and stone;

      The voices of thought-conscious instruments

      Along a living verge of silence strayed,

      And from some deep, a wordless tongue of things

      Unfathomed, inexpressible, chantings rose

      Translating into a voice the Unknown.

      A climber on the invisible stair of sound,

      Music not with these few and striving steps

      Aspired that wander upon transient strings,

      But changed its ever new uncounted notes

      In a passion of unforeseeing discovery,

      And kept its old unforgotten ecstasies

      A growing treasure in the mystic heart.

      A consciousness that yearned through every cry

      Of unexplored attraction and desire,

      It found and searched again the unsatisfied deeps

      Hunting as if in some deep secret heart

      To find some lost or missed felicity.

      In those far-lapsing symphonies she could hear,

      Breaking through enchantments of the ravished sense,

      The lyric voyage of a divine soul

      Mid spume and laughter tempting with its prow

      The charm of innocent Circean isles,

      Adventures without danger beautiful

      In lands where siren Wonder sings its lures

      From rhythmic rocks in ever-foaming seas.

      In the harmony of an original sight

      Delivered from our limiting ray of thought,

      And the reluctance of

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