Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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and star

      Revealed its meaning in his fathomless look.

      His lips curved eloquent like a rose of dawn;

      His smile that played with the wonder of the mind

      And stayed in the heart when it had left his mouth

      Glimmered with the radiance of the morning star

      Gemming the wide discovery of heaven.

      His gaze was the regard of eternity;

      The spirit of its sweet and calm intent

      Was a wise home of gladness and divulged

      The light of the ages in the mirth of the hours,

      A sun of wisdom in a miracled grove.

      In the orchestral largeness of his mind

      All contrary seekings their close kinship knew,

      Rich-hearted, wonderful to each other met

      In the mutual marvelling of their myriad notes

      And dwelt like brothers of one family

      Who had found their common and mysterious home.

      As from the harp of some ecstatic god

      There springs a harmony of lyric bliss

      Striving to leave no heavenly joy unsung,

      Such was the life in that embodied Light.

      He seemed the wideness of a boundless sky,

      He seemed the passion of a sorrowless earth,

      He seemed the burning of a world-wide sun.

      Two looked upon each other, Soul saw Soul.

      Then like an anthem from the heart’s lucent cave

      A voice soared up whose magic sound could turn

      The poignant weeping of the earth to sobs

      Of rapture and her cry to spirit song.

      “O human image of the deathless word,

      How hast thou seen beyond the topaz walls

      The gleaming sisters of the divine gate,

      Summoned the genii of their wakeful sleep,

      And under revelation’s arches forced

      The carved thought-shrouded doors to swing apart,

      Unlocked the avenues of spiritual sight

      And taught the entries of a heavenlier state

      To thy rapt soul that bore the golden key?

      In thee the secret sight man’s blindness missed

      Has opened its view past Time, my chariot-course,

      And death, my tunnel which I drive through life

      To reach my unseen distances of bliss.

      I am the hushed search of the jealous gods

      Pursuing my wisdom’s vast mysterious work

      Seized in the thousand meeting ways of heaven.

      I am the beauty of the unveiled ray

      Drawing through the deep roads of the infinite night

      The unconquerable pilgrim soul of earth

      Beneath the flaring torches of the stars.

      I am the inviolable Ecstasy;

      They who have looked on me, shall grieve no more.

      The eyes that live in night shall see my form.

      On the pale shores of foaming steely straits

      That flow beneath a grey tormented sky,

      Two powers from one original ecstasy born

      Pace near but parted in the life of man;

      One leans to earth, the other yearns to the skies:

      Heaven in its rapture dreams of perfect earth,

      Earth in its sorrow dreams of perfect heaven.

      The two longing to join, yet walk apart,

      Idly divided by their vain conceits;

      They are kept from their oneness by enchanted fears;

      Sundered mysteriously by miles of thought,

      They gaze across the silent gulfs of sleep.

      Or side by side reclined upon my vasts

      Like bride and bridegroom magically divorced

      They wake to yearn, but never can they clasp

      While thinly flickering hesitates uncrossed

      Between the lovers on their nuptial couch

      The shadowy eidolon of a sword.

      But when the phantom flame-edge fails undone,

      Then never more can space or time divide

      The lover from the loved; Space shall draw back

      Her great translucent curtain, Time shall be

      The quivering of the spirit’s endless bliss.

      Attend that moment of celestial fate.

      Meanwhile you two shall serve the dual law

      Which only now the scouts of vision glimpse

      Who pressing through the forest of their thoughts

      Have found the narrow bridges of the gods.

      Wait patient of the brittle bars of form

      Making division your delightful means

      Of happy oneness rapturously enhanced

      By attraction in the throbbing air between.

      Yet if thou wouldst abandon the vexed world,

      Careless of the dark moan of things below,

      Tread down the isthmus, overleap the flood,


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