Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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rel="nofollow" href="#uc0b60cd3-3854-5de0-a8c1-abc0b9d9b341">The Dream Twilight of the Ideal

      Canto Two

       The Gospel of Death and Vanity of the Ideal

      Canto Three

       The Debate of Love and Death

      Canto Four

       The Dream Twilight of the Earthly Real


      The Book of Everlasting Day

      Canto One

       The Eternal Day: The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation




       The Return to Earth

Sri Aurobindo


      Sri Aurobindo

      Author`s Note

      The tale of Satyavan and Savitri is recited in the Mahabharata as a story of conjugal love conquering death. But this legend is, as shown by many features of the human tale, one of the many symbolic myths of the Vedic cycle. Satyavan is the soul carrying the divine truth of being within itself but descended into the grip of death and ignorance; Savitri is the Divine Word, daughter of the Sun, goddess of the supreme Truth who comes down and is born to save; Aswapati, the Lord of the Horse, her human father, is the Lord of Tapasya, the concentrated energy of spiritual endeavour that helps us to rise from the mortal to the immortal planes; Dyumatsena, Lord of the Shining Hosts, father of Satyavan, is the Divine Mind here fallen blind, losing its celestial kingdom of vision, and through that loss its kingdom of glory. Still this is not a mere allegory, the characters are not personified qualities, but incarnations or emanations of living and conscious Forces with whom we can enter into concrete touch and they take human bodies in order to help man and show him the way from his mortal state to a divine consciousness and immortal life.

      Sri Aurobindo


      BOOK ONE

The Book of Beginnings

      Canto One

      The Symbol Dawn

      It was the hour before the Gods awake.

      Across the path of the divine Event

      The huge foreboding mind of Night, alone

      In her unlit temple of eternity,

      Lay stretched immobile upon Silence’ marge.

      Almost one felt, opaque, impenetrable,

      In the sombre symbol of her eyeless muse

      The abysm of the unbodied Infinite;

      A fathomless zero occupied the world.

      A power of fallen boundless self awake

      Between the first and the last Nothingness,

      Recalling the tenebrous womb from which it came,

      Turned from the insoluble mystery of birth

      And the tardy process of mortality

      And longed to reach its end in vacant Nought.

      As in a dark beginning of all things,

      A mute featureless semblance of the Unknown

      Repeating for ever the unconscious act,

      Prolonging for ever the unseeing will,

      Cradled the cosmic drowse of ignorant Force

      Whose moved creative slumber kindles the suns

      And carries our lives in its somnambulist whirl.

      Athwart the vain enormous trance of Space,

      Its formless stupor without mind or life,

      A shadow spinning through a soulless Void,

      Thrown back once more into unthinking dreams,

      Earth wheeled abandoned in the hollow gulfs

      Forgetful of her spirit and her fate.

      The impassive skies were neutral, empty, still.

      Then something in the inscrutable darkness stirred;

      A nameless movement, an unthought Idea

      Insistent, dissatisfied, without an aim,

      Something that wished but knew not how to be,

      Teased the Inconscient to wake Ignorance.

      A throe that came and left a quivering trace,

      Gave room for an old tired want unfilled,

      At peace in its subconscient moonless cave

      To raise its head and look for absent light,

      Straining closed eyes of vanished memory,

      Like one who searches for a bygone self

      And only meets the corpse of his desire.

      It was as though even in this Nought’s profound,

      Even in this ultimate dissolution’s core,

      There lurked an unremembering entity,

      Survivor of a slain and buried past

      Condemned to resume the effort and the pang,

      Reviving in another frustrate world.

      An unshaped consciousness desired light

      And a blank prescience yearned towards distant change.

      As if a childlike finger laid on a cheek

      Reminded of the endless need in things

      The heedless Mother of the universe,


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