Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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      And the tired feet of thought approached her doors.

      All came back to her: Earth and Love and Doom,

      The ancient disputants, encircled her

      Like giant figures wrestling in the night:

      The godheads from the dim Inconscient born

      Awoke to struggle and the pang divine,

      And in the shadow of her flaming heart,

      At the sombre centre of the dire debate,

      A guardian of the unconsoled abyss

      Inheriting the long agony of the globe,

      A stone-still figure of high and godlike Pain

      Stared into Space with fixed regardless eyes

      That saw grief’s timeless depths but not life’s goal.

      Afflicted by his harsh divinity,

      Bound to his throne, he waited unappeased

      The daily oblation of her unwept tears.

      All the fierce question of man’s hours relived.

      The sacrifice of suffering and desire

      Earth offers to the immortal Ecstasy

      Began again beneath the eternal Hand.

      Awake she endured the moments’ serried march

      And looked on this green smiling dangerous world,

      And heard the ignorant cry of living things.

      Amid the trivial sounds, the unchanging scene

      Her soul arose confronting Time and Fate.

      Immobile in herself, she gathered force.

      This was the day when Satyavan must die.

      End of Canto One

      Canto Two

      The Issue

      Awhile, withdrawn in secret fields of thought,

      Her mind moved in a many-imaged past

      That lived again and saw its end approach:

      Dying, it lived imperishably in her;

      Transient and vanishing from transient eyes,

      Invisible, a fateful ghost of self,

      It bore the future on its phantom breast.

      Along the fleeting event’s far-backward trail

      Regressed the stream of the insistent hours,

      And on the bank of the mysterious flood

      Peopled with well-loved forms now seen no more

      And the subtle images of things that were,

      Her witness spirit stood reviewing Time.

      All that she once had hoped and dreamed and been,

      Flew past her eagle-winged through memory’s skies.

      As in a many-hued flaming inner dawn,

      Her life’s broad highways and its sweet bypaths

      Lay mapped to her sun-clear recording view,

      From the bright country of her childhood’s days

      And the blue mountains of her soaring youth

      And the paradise groves and peacock wings of Love

      To joy clutched under the silent shadow of doom

      In a last turn where heaven raced with hell.

      Twelve passionate months led in a day of fate.

      An absolute supernatural darkness falls

      On man sometimes when he draws near to God:

      An hour arrives when fail all Nature’s means;

      Forced out from the protecting Ignorance

      And flung back on his naked primal need,

      He at length must cast from him his surface soul

      And be the ungarbed entity within:

      That hour had fallen now on Savitri.

      A point she had reached where life must be in vain

      Or, in her unborn element awake,

      Her will must cancel her body’s destiny.

      For only the unborn spirit’s timeless power

      Can lift the yoke imposed by birth in Time.

      Only the Self that builds this figure of self

      Can rase the fixed interminable line

      That joins these changing names, these numberless lives,

      These new oblivious personalities

      And keeps still lurking in our conscious acts

      The trail of old forgotten thoughts and deeds,

      Disown the legacy of our buried selves,

      The burdensome heirship to our vanished forms

      Accepted blindly by the body and soul.

      An episode in an unremembered tale,

      Its beginning lost, its motive and plot concealed,

      A once living story has prepared and made

      Our present fate, child of past energies.

      The fixity of the cosmic sequences

      Fastened with hidden inevitable links

      She must disrupt, dislodge by her soul’s force

      Her past, a block on the Immortal’s road,

      Make a rased ground and shape anew her fate.

      A colloquy of the original Gods

      Meeting upon the borders of the unknown,

      Her soul’s

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