Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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a dumb self in the inconscient depths

      And raise a lost Power from its python sleep

      That the eyes of the Timeless might look out from Time

      And the world manifest the unveiled Divine.

      For this he left his white infinity

      And laid on the spirit the burden of the flesh,

      That Godhead’s seed might flower in mindless Space.

      End of Canto Four

      Canto Five

      The Yoga of the King:

       The Yoga of the Spirit’s Freedom and Greatness

      This knowledge first he had of time-born men.

      Admitted through a curtain of bright mind

      That hangs between our thoughts and absolute sight,

      He found the occult cave, the mystic door

      Near to the well of vision in the soul,

      And entered where the Wings of Glory brood

      In the silent space where all is for ever known.

      Indifferent to doubt and to belief,

      Avid of the naked real’s single shock

      He shore the cord of mind that ties the earth-heart

      And cast away the yoke of Matter’s law.

      The body’s rules bound not the spirit’s powers:

      When life had stopped its beats, death broke not in;

      He dared to live when breath and thought were still.

      Thus could he step into that magic place

      Which few can even glimpse with hurried glance

      Lifted for a moment from mind’s laboured works

      And the poverty of Nature’s earthly sight.

      All that the Gods have learned is there self-known.

      There in a hidden chamber closed and mute

      Are kept the record graphs of the cosmic scribe,

      And there the tables of the sacred Law,

      There is the Book of Being’s index page;

      The text and glossary of the Vedic truth

      Are there; the rhythms and metres of the stars

      Significant of the movements of our fate:

      The symbol powers of number and of form,

      And the secret code of the history of the world

      And Nature’s correspondence with the soul

      Are written in the mystic heart of Life.

      In the glow of the spirit’s room of memories

      He could recover the luminous marginal notes

      Dotting with light the crabbed ambiguous scroll,

      Rescue the preamble and the saving clause

      Of the dark Agreement by which all is ruled

      That rises from material Nature’s sleep

      To clothe the Everlasting in new shapes.

      He could re-read now and interpret new

      Its strange symbol letters, scattered abstruse signs,

      Resolve its oracle and its paradox,

      Its riddling phrases and its blindfold terms,

      The deep oxymoron of its truth’s repliques,

      And recognise as a just necessity

      Its hard conditions for the mighty work, –

      Nature’s impossible Herculean toil

      Only her warlock-wisecraft could enforce,

      Its law of the opposition of the gods,

      Its list of inseparable contraries.

      The dumb great Mother in her cosmic trance

      Exploiting for creation’s joy and pain

      Infinity’s sanction to the birth of form,

      Accepts indomitably to execute

      The will to know in an inconscient world,

      The will to live under a reign of death,

      The thirst for rapture in a heart of flesh,

      And works out through the appearance of a soul

      By a miraculous birth in plasm and gas

      The mystery of God’s covenant with the Night.

      Once more was heard in the still cosmic Mind

      The Eternal’s promise to his labouring Force

      Inducing the world-passion to begin,

      The cry of birth into mortality

      And the opening verse of the tragedy of Time.

      Out of the depths the world’s buried secret rose;

      He read the original ukase kept back

      In the locked archives of the spirit’s crypt,

      And saw the signature and fiery seal

      Of Wisdom on the dim Power’s hooded work

      Who builds in Ignorance the steps of Light.

      A sleeping deity opened deathless eyes:

      He saw the unshaped thought in soulless forms,

      Knew Matter pregnant with spiritual sense,

      Mind dare the study of the Unknowable,

      Life its gestation of the Golden Child.

      In the light flooding thought’s blank vacancy,

      Interpreting the universe by soul signs


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