Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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to the monarchy of the sun

      They call in Truth for their high government,

      Hold her incarnate in their daily acts

      And fill their thoughts with her inspired voice

      And shape their lives into her breathing form,

      Till in her sun-gold godhead they too share.

      Or to the truth of Darkness they subscribe;

      Whether for Heaven or Hell they must wage war:

      Warriors of Good, they serve a shining cause

      Or are Evil’s soldiers in the pay of Sin.

      For evil and good an equal tenure keep

      Wherever Knowledge is Ignorance’s twin.

      All powers of Life towards their godhead tend

      In the wideness and the daring of that air,

      Each builds its temple and expands its cult,

      And Sin too there is a divinity.

      Affirming the beauty and splendour of her law

      She claims life as her natural domain,

      Assumes the world’s throne or dons the papal robe:

      Her worshippers proclaim her sacred right.

      A red-tiaraed Falsehood they revere,

      Worship the shadow of a crooked God,

      Admit the black Idea that twists the brain

      Or lie with the harlot Power that slays the soul.

      A mastering virtue statuesques the pose,

      Or a Titan passion goads to a proud unrest:

      At Wisdom’s altar they are kings and priests

      Or their life a sacrifice to an idol of Power.

      Or Beauty shines on them like a wandering star;

      Too far to reach, passionate they follow her light;

      In Art and life they catch the All-Beautiful’s ray

      And make the world their radiant treasure house:

      Even common figures are with marvel robed;

      A charm and greatness locked in every hour

      Awakes the joy which sleeps in all things made.

      A mighty victory or a mighty fall,

      A throne in heaven or a pit in hell,

      The dual Energy they have justified

      And marked their souls with her tremendous seal:

      Whatever Fate may do to them they have earned;

      Something they have done, something they have been, they live.

      There Matter is soul’s result and not its cause.

      In a contrary balance to earth’s truth of things

      The gross weighs less, the subtle counts for more;

      On inner values hangs the outer plan.

      As quivers with the thought the expressive word,

      As yearns the act with the passion of the soul

      This world’s apparent sensible design

      Looks vibrant back to some interior might.

      A Mind not limited by external sense

      Gave figures to the spirit’s imponderables,

      The world’s impacts without channels registered

      And turned into the body’s concrete thrill

      The vivid workings of a bodiless Force;

      Powers here subliminal that act unseen

      Or in ambush crouch waiting behind the wall

      Came out in front uncovering their face.

      The occult grew there overt, the obvious kept

      A covert turn and shouldered the unknown;

      The unseen was felt and jostled visible shapes.

      In the communion of two meeting minds

      Thought looked at thought and had no need of speech;

      Emotion clasped emotion in two hearts,

      They felt each other’s thrill in the flesh and nerves

      Or melted each in each and grew immense

      As when two houses burn and fire joins fire:

      Hate grappled hate and love broke in on love,

      Will wrestled with will on mind’s invisible ground;

      Others’ sensations passing through like waves

      Left quivering the subtle body’s frame,

      Their anger rushed galloping in brute attack,

      A charge of trampling hooves on shaken soil;

      One felt another’s grief invade the breast,

      Another’s joy exulting ran through the blood:

      Hearts could draw close through distance, voices near

      That spoke upon the shore of alien seas.

      There beat a throb of living interchange:

      Being felt being even when afar

      And consciousness replied to consciousness.

      And yet the ultimate oneness was not there.

      There was a separateness of soul from soul:

      An inner wall of silence could be built,

      An armour of conscious might protect and shield;

      The being could be closed in and solitary;

      One could remain apart in self, alone.

      Identity was not yet nor union’s peace.


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