Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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was imperfect still, half-known, half-done:

      The miracle of Inconscience overpassed,

      The miracle of the Superconscient still,

      Unknown, self-wrapped, unfelt, unknowable,

      Looked down on them, origin of all they were.

      As forms they came of the formless Infinite,

      As names lived of a nameless Eternity.

      The beginning and the end were there occult;

      A middle term worked unexplained, abrupt:

      They were words that spoke to a vast wordless Truth,

      They were figures crowding an unfinished sum.

      None truly knew himself or knew the world

      Or the Reality living there enshrined:

      Only they knew what Mind could take and build

      Out of the secret Supermind’s huge store.

      A darkness under them, a bright Void above,

      Uncertain they lived in a great climbing Space;

      By mysteries they explained a Mystery,

      A riddling answer met the riddle of things.

      As he moved in this ether of ambiguous life,

      Himself was soon a riddle to himself;

      As symbols he saw all and sought their sense.

      Across the leaping springs of death and birth

      And over shifting borders of soul-change,

      A hunter on the spirit’s creative track,

      He followed in life’s fine and mighty trails

      Pursuing her sealed formidable delight

      In a perilous adventure without close.

      At first no aim appeared in those large steps:

      Only the wide source he saw of all things here

      Looking towards a wider source beyond.

      For as she drew away from earthly lines,

      A tenser drag was felt from the Unknown,

      A higher context of delivering thought

      Drove her towards marvel and discovery;

      There came a high release from pettier cares,

      A mightier image of desire and hope,

      A vaster formula, a greater scene.

      Ever she circled towards some far-off Light:

      Her signs still covered more than they revealed;

      But tied to some immediate sight and will

      They lost their purport in the joy of use,

      Till stripped of their infinite meaning they became

      A cipher gleaming with unreal sense.

      Armed with a magical and haunted bow

      She aimed at a target kept invisible

      And ever deemed remote though always near.

      As one who spells illumined characters,

      The key-book of a crabbed magician text,

      He scanned her subtle tangled weird designs

      And the screened difficult theorem of her clues,

      Traced in the monstrous sands of desert Time

      The thread beginnings of her titan works,

      Watched her charade of action for some hint,

      Read the No-gestures of her silhouettes,

      And strove to capture in their burdened drift

      The dance-fantasia of her sequences

      Escaping into rhythmic mystery,

      A glimmer of fugitive feet on fleeing soil.

      In the labyrinth pattern of her thoughts and hopes

      And the byways of her intimate desires,

      In the complex corners crowded with her dreams

      And rounds crossed by an intrigue of irrelevant rounds,

      A wanderer straying amid fugitive scenes,

      He lost its signs and chased each failing guess.

      Ever he met key-words, ignorant of their key.

      A sun that dazzled its own eye of sight,

      A luminous enigma’s brilliant hood

      Lit the dense purple barrier of thought’s sky:

      A dim large trance showed to the night her stars.

      As if sitting near an open window’s gap,

      He read by lightning-flash on crowding flash

      Chapters of her metaphysical romance

      Of the soul’s search for lost Reality

      And her fictions drawn from spirit’s authentic fact,

      Her caprices and conceits and meanings locked,

      Her rash unseizable freaks and mysteried turns.

      The magnificent wrappings of her secrecy

      That fold her desirable body out of sight,

      The strange significant forms woven on her robe,

      Her meaningful outlines of the souls of things

      He saw, her false transparencies of thought-hue,

      Her rich brocades with imaged fancies sewn

      And mutable masks and broideries of disguise.

      A thousand baffling faces of the Truth

      Looked at him from her forms with unknown eyes

      And wordless mouths unrecognisable,

      Spoke from

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