Gathering Social Network Data. jimi adams

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Gathering Social Network Data - jimi adams Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences

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in Regression Kaufman

      173 An Introduction to Exponential Random Graph Modeling Harris

      174 Introduction to Time Series Analysis Pickup

      175 Factorial Survey Experiments Auspurg/Hinz

      176 Introduction to Power Analysis: Two-Group Studies Hedberg

      177 Linear Regression: A Mathematical Introduction Gujarati

      178 Propensity Score Methods and Applications Bai/Clark

      179 Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling Silva/Bosancianu/Littvay

      180 Gathering Social Network Data adams

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       jimi adams

       University of Colorado Denver

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      This book is printed on acid-free paper.

      Names: adams, jimi, author.

      Title: Gathering social network data / jimi adams, University of Colorado Denver.

      Description: 1 Edition. | Thousand Oaks : SAGE Publications, [2019] | Includes bibliographical references and index.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2019007277 | ISBN 9781544321462 (pbk. : alk. paper)

      Subjects: LCSH: Social networks.

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      Series Editor’s Introduction

      It is with great pleasure that I introduce Gathering Social Network Data, by jimi adams. This new volume fills a gap in the QASS series as well as in the literature more generally. There are several excellent texts describing social network analysis, including the one by David Knoke and Song Yang (No. 154) in this series. However, there is no text discussing methods for designing, collecting, and evaluating the data that are the subject of these analytic techniques. Such a text is urgently needed given the impressive growth in social networks research.

      An expert on social networks, adams drew on his extensive experience teaching these methods to design a QASS volume that appeals to readers at all levels. For novices, adams introduces topics in a time-tested and systematic way, is careful to define terms (both in the text and in a glossary), and illustrates his points with lots of examples. The volume could serve as a useful supplement in an advanced undergraduate course or graduate seminar. For experts, he explores technicalities and points to current debates in the literature through extensive footnoting. Researchers already well established in the field will also benefit from its cogent discussion of issues surrounding the design, collection, and assessment of social network data.

      As adams explains in the preface, the volume focuses on principles, with the goal of providing readers the tools needed to develop their own approach to gathering social network data. Chapter 1 introduces basic concepts, describes theoretical perspectives, and reviews types of ties and the kinds of questions of interest in social research. Chapter 2 focuses on three considerations that must be addressed in any network study: tie measurement (name generators, name interpreters, resource generators), sampling design (ego based, complete, and partial network designs), and inclusion and exclusion criteria (i.e., boundary specification). The ordering of the topics in this chapter is reflective of adams’s own teaching strategy and what has worked best over years of experience. Chapter 3 addresses modes of social network data collection, distinguishing between active and passive approaches. Chapters 1 through 3 are the core of the volume.


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