Songs of the West. S. (Sabine) Baring-Gould

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Songs of the West - S. (Sabine) Baring-Gould

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      "Cold blows the wind of night, sweet-heart,

       Cold are the drops of rain;

       The very first love that ever I had,

       In green-wood he was slain.


      "I'll do as much for my true-love

       As any fair maiden may;

       I'll sit and mourn upon his grave

       A twelvemonth and a day."


      A twelvemonth and a day being up,

       The ghost began to speak;

       "Why sit you here by my grave-side

       From dusk till dawning break?"


      "O think upon the garden, love,

       Where you and I did walk.

       The fairest flower that blossomed there

       Is withered on its stalk."


      "What is it that you want of me,

       And will not let me sleep?

       Your salten tears they trickle down

       My winding sheet to steep."


      "Oh I will now redeem the pledge

       The pledge that once I gave;

       A kiss from off thy lily white lips

       Is all of you I crave."


      "Cold are my lips in death, sweet-heart,

       My breath is earthy strong.

       If you do touch my clay-cold lips,

       Your time will not be long."


      Then through the mould he heaved his head,

       And through the herbage green.

       There fell a frosted bramble leaf,

       It came their lips between.


      "Now if you were not true in word,

       As now I know you be,

       I'd tear you as the withered leaves,

       Are torn from off the tree.


      "And well for you that bramble-leaf

       Betwixt our lips was flung.

       The living to the living hold,

       Dead to the dead belong."


       Table of Contents



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      In my garden grew plenty of Thyme,

       It would flourish by night and by day;

       O'er the wall came a lad, he took all that I had,

       And stole my thyme away.


      My garden with heartsease was bright,

       The pansy so pied and so gay;

       One slipped through the gate, and alas! cruel fate,

       My heartsease took away.


      My garden grew self-heal and balm,

       And speedwell that's blue for an hour,

       Then blossoms again, O grievous my pain!

       I'm plundered of each flower.


      There grows in my garden the rue,

       And Love-lies-a-bleeding droops there,

       The hyssop and myrrh, the teazle and burr,

       In place of blossoms fair.


      The willow with branches that weep,

       The thorn and the cypress tree,

       O why were the seeds of such dolorous weeds,

       Thus scattered there by thee?

      No 8 ROVING JACK

       Table of Contents



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      Young Jack he was a journey-man

       That roved from town to town,

       And when he'd done a job of work,

       He lightly sat him down.

       With his kit upon his shoulder, and

       A grafting knife in hand,

       He roved the country round about,

       A merry journey-man.


      And when he came to Exeter,

       The maidens leaped for joy;

       Said one and all, both short and tall,

       Here comes a gallant boy.


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