Songs of the West. S. (Sabine) Baring-Gould

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Songs of the West - S. (Sabine) Baring-Gould

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And sing, O Lord, thy praise

       Whilst we have breath.


      So now, my friends, adieu!

       I hope that all of you

       Will pull most strong and true,

       In strain to serve the Lord.

       God prosper us, that we

       Like angels may agree,

       In singing merrily

       In tune and in accord.

      No 10 GREEN BROOM

       Table of Contents



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      There was an old man lived out in the wood,

       His trade was a-cutting of Broom, green Broom;

       He had but one son without thrift, without good,

       Who lay in his bed till 'twas noon, bright noon.


      The old man awoke, one morning and spoke,

       He swore he would fire the room, that room,

       If his John would not rise and open his eyes,

       And away to the wood to cut Broom, green Broom.


      So Johnny arose, and he slipped on his clothes,

       And away to the wood to cut Broom, green Broom,

       He sharpened his knives, for once he contrives

       To cut a great bundle of Broom, green Broom.


      When Johnny passed under a lady's fine house,

       Passed under a lady's fine room, fine room,

       She called to her maid, "Go fetch me," she said,

       "Go fetch me the boy that sells Broom, green Broom."


      When Johnny came into the lady's fine house,

       And stood in the lady's fine room, fine room,

       "Young Johnny," she said, "Will you give up your trade,

       And marry a lady in bloom, full bloom?"


      Johnny gave his consent, and to church they both went,

       And he wedded the lady in bloom, full bloom.

       At market and fair, all folks do declare,

       There is none like the Boy that sold Broom, green Broom.


       Table of Contents



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      As Johnny walked out one day

       It was a summer morn,

       Himself he laid beneath the shade

       All of a twisted thorn,

       And as he there lay lazily

       A shepherdess pass'd by;

       And 'twas down in yonder valley, love,

       Where the water glideth by.


      "O have you seen a pretty ewe

       That hath a tender lamb,

       A strayed from the orchard glade

       That little one and dam?"

       "O pretty maid" he answered,

       "They passed as here I lie!"

       And 'twas down in yonder valley, love,

       Where the water glideth by.


      She wandered o'er the country wide

       The sheep she could not find;

       And many times she did upbraid

       Young Johnny in her mind.

       She sought in leafy forest green

       She sought them low and high,

       And 'twas down in yonder valley, love,

       Where the water glideth by.


      "Oh silly maid," young Johnny said,

       "Alone why did you seek?"

       Her heart was full of anger, and

       The flush was in her cheek.

       "Where one alone availeth not,

       There two your sheep may spie,

       And 'tis down in yonder valley, love,

       Where the water glideth by."


      vThen lo! they both forgot their quest,

       They found what neither sought,

       Two loving hearts long kept apart

       Together now were brought.

       He found the words he long had lacked,

       He found and held her eye;

       And 'twas down in yonder valley, love,

       Where the water glideth by.



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