The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition). Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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thou hate him!

       O heaven! how he would fall upon thy neck,

       And weep forgiveness!

      Ordonio. Spirit of the dead! 190

       Methinks I know thee! ha! my brain turns wild

       At its own dreams! — off — off, fantastic shadow!

      Alvar. I fain would tell thee what I am, but dare not!

      Ordonio. Cheat! villain! traitor! whatsoever thou be —

       I fear thee, man!

      Teresa (rushing out and falling on Alvar’s neck). Ordonio! ‘tis

       thy brother! 195

      [ORDONIO runs upon ALVAR with his sword. TERESA flings

       herself on ORDONIO and arrests his arm.

      Stop, madman, stop!

      Alvar. Does then this thin disguise impenetrably

       Hide Alvar from thee? Toil and painful wounds

       And long imprisonment in unwholesome dungeons,

       Have marred perhaps all trait and lineament 200

       Of what I was! But chiefly, chiefly, brother,

       My anguish for thy guilt!

       Ordonio — Brother!

       Nay, nay, thou shalt embrace me.

      Ordonio (drawing back, and gazing at Alvar). Touch me not!

       Touch not pollution, Alvar! I will die.

      [He attempts to fall on his sword, ALVAR and TERESA

       prevent him.

      Alvar. We will find means to save your honour. Live, 205

       Oh live, Ordonio! for our father’s sake!

       Spare his grey hairs!

      Teresa. And you may yet be happy.

      Ordonio. O horror! not a thousand years in heaven

       Could recompose this miserable heart,

       Or make it capable of one brief joy! 210

       Live! live! Why yes! ‘Twere well to live with you:

       For is it fit a villain should be proud?

       My brother! I will kneel to you, my brother! [Kneeling.

       Forgive me, Alvar! —— Curse me with forgiveness!

      Alvar. Call back thy soul, Ordonio, and look round thee! 215

       Now is the time for greatness! Think that heaven —

      Teresa. O mark his eye! he hears not what you say.

      Ordonio. Yes, mark his eye! there’s fascination in it!

       Thou said’st thou did’st not know him — That is he!

       He comes upon me!

      Alvar. Heal, O heal him, heaven! 220

      Ordonio. Nearer and nearer! and I can not stir!

       Will no one hear these stifled groans, and wake me?

       He would have died to save me, and I killed him —

       A husband and a father! —

      Teresa. Some secret poison

       Drinks up his spirits!

      Ordonio. Let the eternal justice 225

       Prepare my punishment in the obscure world —

       I will not bear to live — to live — O agony!

       And be myself alone my own sore torment!

      [The doors of the dungeon are broken open, and in rush

       ALHADRA, and the band of Morescoes.

      Alhadra. Seize first that man!

      [ALVAR presses onward to defend ORDONIO.

      Ordonio. Off, ruffians! I have flung away my sword. 230

       Woman, my life is thine! to thee I give it!

       Off! he that touches me with his hand of flesh,

       I’ll rend his limbs asunder! I have strength

       With this bare arm to scatter you like ashes.

      Alhadra. My husband —

      Ordonio. Yes, I murdered him most foully. 235

      Alvar and Teresa. O horrible!

      Alhadra. Why did’st thou leave his children?

       Demon, thou should’st have sent thy dogs of hell

       To lap their blood. Then, then I might have hardened

       My soul in misery, and have had comfort.

       I would have stood far off, quiet though dark, 240

       And bade the race of men raise up a mourning

       For a deep horror of desolation,

       Too great to be one soul’s particular lot!

       Brother of Zagri! let me lean upon thee.

       The time is not yet come for woman’s anguish, 245

       I have not seen his blood — Within an hour

       Those little ones will crowd around and ask me,

       Where is our father? I shall curse thee then!

       Wert thou in heaven, my curse would pluck thee thence!

      Teresa. He doth repent! See, see, I kneel to thee! 250

       O let him live! That agéd man, his father ——

      Alhadra. Why had he such a son?

      [Shouts from the distance of Rescue! Rescue! Alvar!

       Alvar! and the voice of VALDEZ heard.

      Rescue? — and Isidore’s spirit unavenged? —

       The deed be mine! [Suddenly stabs ORDONIO.

       Now take my life!

      Ordonio (staggering from the wound). Atonement!


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