The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition). Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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      Tallien. Yet much depends upon him — well you know

       With plausible harangue ‘tis his to paint 35

       Defeat like victory — and blind the mob

       With truth-mix’d falsehood. They led on by him,

       And wild of head to work their own destruction,

       Support with uproar what he plans in darkness.

      Legendre. O what a precious name is Liberty 40

       To scare or cheat the simple into slaves!

       Yes — we must gain him over: by dark hints

       We’ll shew enough to rouse his watchful fears,

       Till the cold coward blaze a patriot.

       O Danton! murder’d friend! assist my counsels — 45

       Hover around me on sad Memory’s wings,

       And pour thy daring vengeance in my heart.

       Tallien! if but tomorrow’s fateful sun

       Beholds the Tyrant living — we are dead!

      Tallien. Yet his keen eye that flashes mighty meanings — 50

      Legendre. Fear not — or rather fear th’ alternative,

       And seek for courage e’en in cowardice —

       But see — hither he comes — let us away!

       His brother with him, and the bloody Couthon,

       And high of haughty spirit, young St. Just. [Exeunt. 55


      Robespierre. What? did La Fayette fall before my power?

       And did I conquer Roland’s spotless virtues?

       The fervent eloquence of Vergniaud’s tongue?

       And Brissot’s thoughtful soul unbribed and bold?

       Did zealot armies haste in vain to save them? 60

       What! did th’ assassin’s dagger aim its point

       Vain, as a dream of murder, at my bosom?

       And shall I dread the soft luxurious Tallien?

       Th’ Adonis Tallien? banquet-hunting Tallien?

       Him, whose heart flutters at the dice-box? Him, 65

       Who ever on the harlots’ downy pillow

       Resigns his head impure to feverish slumbers!

      St. Just. I cannot fear him — yet we must not scorn him.

       Was it not Antony that conquer’d Brutus,

       Th’ Adonis, banquet-hunting Antony? 70

       The state is not yet purified: and though

       The stream runs clear, yet at the bottom lies

       The thick black sediment of all the factions —

       It needs no magic hand to stir it up!

      Couthon. O we did wrong to spare them — fatal error! 75

       Why lived Legendre, when that Danton died?

       And Collot d’Herbois dangerous in crimes?

       I’ve fear’d him, since his iron heart endured

       To make of Lyons one vast human shambles,

       Compar’d with which the sun-scorcht wilderness 80

       Of Zara were a smiling paradise.

      St. Just. Rightly thou judgest, Couthon! He is one

       Who flies from silent solitary anguish,

       Seeking forgetful peace amid the jar

       Of elements. The howl of maniac uproar 85

       Lulls to sad sleep the memory of himself.

       A calm is fatal to him — then he feels

       The dire upboilings of the storm within him.

       A tiger mad with inward wounds! — I dread

       The fierce and restless turbulence of guilt. 90

      Robespierre. Is not the Commune ours? The stern tribunal?

       Dumas? and Vivier? Fleuriot? and Louvet?

       And Henriot? We’ll denounce an hundred, nor

       Shall they behold tomorrow’s sun roll westward.

      Robespierre Junior. Nay — I am sick of blood; my aching heart 95

       Reviews the long, long train of hideous horrors

       That still have gloom’d the rise of the Republic.

       I should have died before Toulon, when war

       Became the patriot!

      Robespierre. Most unworthy wish!

       He, whose heart sickens at the blood of traitors, 100

       Would be himself a traitor, were he not

       A coward! ‘Tis congenial souls alone

       Shed tears of sorrow for each other’s fate.

       O thou art brave, my brother! and thine eye

       Full firmly shines amid the groaning battle — 105

       Yet in thine heart the woman-form of pity

       Asserts too large a share, an ill-timed guest!

       There is unsoundness in the state — Tomorrow

       Shall see it cleans’d by wholesome massacre!

      Robespierre Junior. Beware! already do the sections murmur — 110

       ‘O the great glorious patriot, Robespierre —

       The tyrant guardian of the country’s freedom!’

      Couthon. ‘Twere folly sure to work great deeds by halves!

       Much I suspect the darksome fickle heart

       Of cold Barrere!

      Robespierre. I see the villain in him! 115

      Robespierre Junior. If he — if all forsake thee — what remains?


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