The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition). Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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whose under-garland

       Of laurel-leaves looks greener and more sparkling

       Thro’ the grey olive-branch; if these, Prince Emerick!

       Give the true title to the throne, not thou — 395

       No! (let Illyria, let the infidel enemy

       Be judge and arbiter between us!) I,

       I were the rightful sovereign!

      Emerick. I have faith

       That thou both think’st and hop’st it. Fair Zapolya,

       A provident lady —

      Raab Kiuprili. Wretch beneath all answer! 400

      Emerick. Offers at once the royal bed and throne!

      Raab Kiuprili. To be a kingdom’s bulwark, a king’s glory,

       Yet loved by both, and trusted, and trust-worthy,

       Is more than to be king; but see! thy rage

       Fights with thy fear. I will relieve thee!

       Ho! [To the Guard. 405

      Emerick. Not for thy sword, but to entrap thee, ruffian!

       Thus long I have listened — Guard — ho! from the Palace.

      [The Guard post from the Guard-house with CHEF RAGOZZI

       at their head, and then a number from the

       Palace — CHEF RAGOZZI demands KIUPRILI’S sword, and

       apprehends him.

      Casimir. O agony! [To EMERICK.

       Sire, hear me!

      [To KIUPRILI, who turns from him.

      Hear me, father!

      Emerick. Take in arrest that traitor and assassin!

       Who pleads for his life, strikes at mine, his sovereign’s. 410

      Raab Kiuprili. As the Co-regent of the Realm, I stand

       Amenable to none save to the States

       Met in due course of law. But ye are bond-slaves,

       Yet witness ye that before God and man

       I here impeach Lord Emerick of foul treason, 415

       And on strong grounds attaint him with suspicion

       Of murder —

      Emerick. Hence with the madman!

      Raab Kiuprili. Your Queen’s murder,

       The royal orphan’s murder: and to the death

       Defy him, as a tyrant and usurper.

      [Hurried off by RAGOZZI and the Guard.

      Emerick. Ere twice the sun hath risen, by my sceptre 420

       This insolence shall be avenged.

      Casimir. O banish him!

       This infamy will crush me. O for my sake,

       Banish him, my liege lord!

      Emerick. What? to the army?

       Be calm, young friend! Nought shall be done in anger.

       The child o’erpowers the man. In this emergence 425

       I must take counsel for us both. Retire. [Exit CASIMIR.

      Emerick (alone, looks at a Calendar). The changeful planet, now

       in her decay,

       Dips down at midnight, to be seen no more.

       With her shall sink the enemies of Emerick,

       Cursed by the last look of the waning moon: 430

       And my bright destiny, with sharpened horns,

       Shall greet me fearless in the newborn crescent. [Exit.

      Scene changes to the back of the Palace — a Wooded Park, and Mountains.

       Enter ZAPOLYA, with an infant in arms.

      Zapolya. Hush, dear one! hush! My trembling arm disturbs thee!

       Thou, the protector of the helpless! Thou,

       The widow’s husband and the orphan’s father, 435

       Direct my steps! Ah whither? O send down

       Thy angel to a houseless babe and mother,

       Driven forth into the cruel wilderness!

       Hush, sweet one! Thou art no Hagar’s offspring: thou art

       The rightful heir of an anointed king! 440

       What sounds are those? It is the vesper chaunt

       Of labouring men returning to their home!

       Their queen has no home! Hear me, heavenly Father!

       And let this darkness ——

       Be as the shadow of thy outspread wings 445

       To hide and shield us! Start’st thou in thy slumbers?

       Thou canst not dream of savage Emerick. Hush!

       Betray not thy poor mother! For if they seize thee

       I shall grow mad indeed, and they’ll believe

       Thy wicked uncle’s lie. Ha! what? A soldier? 450

      [Enter CHEF RAGOZZI.

      Chef Ragozzi. Sure Heaven befriends us. Well! he hath escaped!

       O rare tune of a tyrant’s promises

       That can enchant the serpent treachery

       From forth its lurking hole in the heart. ‘Ragozzi!

       O brave Ragozzi! Count! Commander! What not?’ 455

       And all this too for nothing! a poor nothing!

       Merely to play the underling in the murder

       Of my best friend Kiuprili! His own son — monstrous!

       Tyrant! I owe thee thanks, and in good hour

       Will I repay thee, for that thou thought’st me too 460

       A serviceable villain. Could I now


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