The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition). Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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his son, Colonel of a Regiment of Cuirassiers.

       COUNT TERTSKY, the Commander of several Regiments, and Brother-in-law

       of Wallenstein.

       ILLO, Field Marshal, Wallenstein’s Confidant.

       ISOLANI, General of the Croats.

       BUTLER, an Irishman, Commander of a Regiment of Dragoons.

       TIEFENBACH, }

       DON MARADAS, } Generals under Wallenstein.

       GOETZ, }

       KOLATTO, }

       NEUMANN, Captain of Cavalry, Aide-de-Camp to Tertsky.

       The War Commissioner, VON QUESTENBERG, Imperial Envoy.

       GENERAL WRANGEL, Swedish Envoy.

       BAPTISTA SENI, Astrologer.

       DUCHESS OF FRIEDLAND, Wife of Wallenstein.

       THEKLA, her Daughter, Princess of Friedland.

       The COUNTESS TERTSKY, Sister of the Duchess.

       A CORNET.

       Several COLONELS and GENERALS.

       PAGES and ATTENDANTS belonging to Wallenstein.

       ATTENDANTS and HOBÖISTS belonging to Tertsky.

       The MASTER OF THE CELLAR to Count Tertsky.

       VALET DE CHAMBRE of Count Piccolomini.

       and daughters are entitled Princes and Princesses. 1800, 1828,


      [After 12] [Casts his eye round. 1817, 1828, 1829.


      [Before 25] Isolani (interrupting him). 1817, 1828, 1829.

       Butler, whom he leads a little on one side). And how, &c. 1817, 1828,


      Illo (with warmth). And you? — You hold out firmly?

      [Grasping his hand with affection.

      1817, 1828, 1829.

      [Before 91] Butler (shocked and confused). 1817, 1828, 1829. aught

       1800, 1828, 1829.

      [Before 95] Butler (shaking his head significantly). 1817, 1828, 1829.

       Table of Contents


      Octavio. Ay, ay! more still! Still more new visitors!

       Acknowledge, friend! that never was a camp,

       Which held at once so many heads of heroes.

       Welcome, Count Isolani!

      Isolani. My noble brother,

       Even now am I arrived; it had been else my duty — 5

      Octavio. And Colonel Butler — trust me, I rejoice

       Thus to renew acquaintance with a man

       Whose worth and services I know and honour.

       See, see, my friend!

       There might we place at once before our eyes 10

       The sum of war’s whole trade and mystery —

      [To QUESTENBERG, presenting BUTLER and ISOLANI at the

       same time to him.

      These two the total sum — Strength and Dispatch.

      Questenberg (to Octavio). And lo! betwixt them both experienced


      Octavio (presenting Questenberg to Butler and Isolani). The

       Chamberlain and War-commissioner Questenberg,

       The bearer of the Emperor’s behests, 15

       The long-tried friend and patron of all soldiers,

       We honour in this noble visitor.

      Illo. ‘Tis not the first time, noble Minister,

       You have shewn our camp this honour.

      Questenberg. Once before

       I stood before these colours. 20

      Illo. Perchance too you remember where that was.

       It was at Znäim in Moravia, where

       You did present yourself upon the part

       Of the Emperor, to supplicate our Duke

       That he would straight assume the chief command. 25

      Questenberg. To supplicate? Nay, noble General!

       So far extended neither my commission

       (At least to my own knowledge) nor my zeal.

      Illo. Well, well, then — to compel him, if you choose.

       I can remember me right well, Count Tilly 30

       Had suffered total rout upon the Lech.

       Bavaria lay all open to the enemy,

       Whom there was nothing to delay from pressing

       Onwards into the very heart of Austria.

       At that time you and Werdenberg appeared 35

       Before our General, storming him with prayers,

       And menacing the Emperor’s displeasure,

       Unless he took compassion on this wretchedness.

      Isolani. Yes, yes, ‘tis comprehensible enough,

       Wherefore with your commission of to-day 40

       You were not all too willing to remember

       Your former one.

      Questenberg. Why not, Count Isolan?

       No contradiction sure exists between them.

       It was the urgent business of that time 45

       To snatch Bavaria from her enemy’s hand;


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