The Witches' Dream Book; and Fortune Teller. A. H. Noe

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The Witches' Dream Book; and Fortune Teller - A. H. Noe

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loss of her husband. If a young married woman dreams that her breasts are full and spurting out milk, it signifies that she is with child and that it will be a perfect birth. If a virgin dreams thus, she is near her marriage. If a woman dreams she has sore breasts she is threatened with death. Broth.—To dream of eating broth is a good sign and signifies profit and gain. Buried Alive.—For a man to dream he is buried alive, signifies he shall have much wealth. Burned.—For a man to dream he is burned, signifies (according to the interpretations of the Persians and Egyptians) that he shall be rich, honored and respected; but if he imagines that he was burned by a fire that did not quite consume him, he will inevitably perish in the end. Basket.—For a man to dream of baskets is evil; it denotes decay of business to a merchant, want of employment to a mechanic, and loss of place to a servant; but if a woman dreams she receives a number of baskets it is a good omen, and especially so if well filled; to a maiden it denotes that she will have many new lovers; to a wife, that she will have an increase in her family, and to the widow, that she will soon marry again. Bonnet.—For a maiden to dream she gets a new bonnet, gives promise of a new lover, but Mother Shipton says that much depends on the color; if green, he will be deceitful; if blue, he will prove affectionate; if pink, his love will not be lasting; if yellow or white, he will quickly improve marriage; but if a female loses her bonnet, it behooves her to be guarded of her virtue, for she is in danger of being led astray; if it be blown off, she will have something she dearly prizes stolen from her. Buttons.—To dream of bright buttons is seldom good; if rusty, it portends misfortune; if covered, sadness. If a man dreams he has lost all the buttons of his clothes, it is a sign he will not live long.

      Cards.—To dream that you are playing at cards is a sure prognostic that you will be in love, and speedily married. If you hold a great many picture cards, your marriage will be the means of making you rich and happy. If your cards are mostly diamonds, the person you marry will be of a sour and disagreeable temper. If they are mostly hearts, your marriage will cement love, and you will be very happy and have many children. If they are mostly clubs, you will get money by your marriage. If they are mostly spades, your marriage will turn out very unhappy and your children will be unfaithful and subject to many hardships. If you are in expectation of a place, you will get it, and if you are in business you will be successful. Cats.—To dream of these domestic animals is indicative of much trouble and vexation; it denotes to the lover that your sweetheart is treacherous. If you keep servants, they are unfaithful, and will rob you. To dream you kill a cat, denotes that you discover a thief and prosecute him to conviction; expect also to lose your own liberty through some pretended friend. Cattle.—To dream you see cattle feeding, denotes great prosperity and unexpected success; to a lover it foretells a happy marriage, with many children, and to a man it shows that his wife will receive some unexpected legacy. To dream you are driving cattle denotes that you will become rich by industry. If you are in love it shows that you have many rivals, but that you will distance them all. To dream you see fat cattle also denotes a plentiful year. To dream you see lean and hungry cattle, denotes scarcity and famine. Clock.—To dream you hear the clock strike, denotes that you will be speedily married, and that you will be moderately successful in life. To dream you are counting the hours, if in the forenoon, shows much happiness, and that your sweetheart is true to you, but if in the afternoon, that misfortune and danger will attend you, and that your sweetheart is false and loves another. Coach.—To dream you are riding in a coach is a very unlucky omen. It foretells poverty and disgrace. If you are in love, your sweetheart will be idle and bad-tempered. If you are in trade, you will become bankrupt, and if you are a farmer, your goods will be seized for rent. It also denotes that the dreamer will shortly be in prison. Coals.—To dream of coals is a very unlucky omen. It denotes much affliction and trouble. To dream you see coals burning, if they are very clear and bright, is a good sign. To dream you see the coals extinguished and reduced to cinders, denotes death, either to yourself or some near relation or friend; it also indicates great losses, and forewarns you of beggary and prison. Comets.—To dream you see one of these extraordinary ethereal substances, is ominous of war, plague, famine, and death; to the lover it forebodes an entire frustration of his hopes; to the farmer, failure of crops; and to the seaman, storms and shipwrecks. After such a dream change, if possible, your present place of residence. Cook.

      Dream you’re busy with a cook,

      And for a wedding shortly look.

      Corn.—To dream you see fields of corn, or that you are among unthrashed corn, is a very favorable omen; it denotes success in business; to the lover it announces that you will marry, have many children, and become rich and happy. If you are a sailor, it denotes a lucrative voyage and fine weather, and that you will be near marrying in the next port you touch at. If you dream you are gathering ripe corn, it is the most fortunate dream you can have. Crowns.—To dream you see these emblems of royalty, portends success and elevation to dignities, either in the church or state. For a maid to dream of a crown, shows she will marry a very industrious man, or one who is rich. Crutches.—To dream you are walking on crutches, is a very unfavorable omen. To dream you see another walking on crutches, denotes that these things will happen to some friend. If you are a married man, then that your wife is inconstant; if a married woman, then that the husband is ruining himself with some harlot. Currants.—To dream of currants prefigures happiness in life, success in undertakings, constancy in your sweetheart, handsome children to the married, riches to the farmer and tradesman. Church.—To dream of church is portentous of evil. If you are in a church during divine service, you will be engaged in a lawsuit, or some other quarrel that will very near ruin you. If you are in love, your sweetheart is unfaithful, and prefers another. If you expect a place, it forebodes disappointment. If you are in trade, you will never thrive in your present situation. Cage.—To dream of letting birds out of a cage denotes a speedy marriage. To a person in business it denotes success, and to a farmer it denotes good crops. Cain.—To dream of the firstborn son of man, who was Adam’s eldest son, is a very unfavorable omen; after such a dream let the dreamer travel into another part of the country and form new connections. Cakes.—To dream you are eating cakes, denotes happiness and prosperity.

      Dream that cakes you knead and make,

      You thrive and many profits take.

      Candles.—To dream you see candles burning, if they burn clear and bright, that you will be speedily married. To dream that new candles are brought in, denotes that by the interference of friends, all your disputes will be amicably adjusted and that your sweetheart will recover from a fit of sickness.

      A light that burns both bright and clear,

      Denotes some pleasant letter near;

      But if dull the candle grows,

      It certain disappointment shows.


      To dream of cheese is not in vain.

      In trade you will profit gain.

      Chickens.—To dream of a hen and chickens is the forerunner of ill luck; your sweetheart will betray you and marry another. If you are a farmer, you will have a bad crop and lose many of your poultry. If you are in trade some sharper will defraud you. If you go to sea, you will lose your goods and narrowly escape shipwreck. Chess.—If any one dreams that he plays at chess with an acquaintance, it is a sign that he will fall out with somebody he knows, and if he imagines in his dream he wins, he shall overcome his enemies. And on the contrary, if he dream that he loses, he will be overcome and worsted in the combat. Clouds.—To dream of white clouds, signifies prosperity; clouds mounting high from the earth, denotes voyages, the return

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