The Witches' Dream Book; and Fortune Teller. A. H. Noe

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The Witches' Dream Book; and Fortune Teller - A. H. Noe

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of affairs; to dream of dark and obscure clouds, shows an ill time of anger. Caterpillars.—To dream you see caterpillars, signifies ill luck and misfortune by secret enemies. Chains, pearls, precious stones, earrings, &c., and all adornings of the hands and necks of women, are good dreams to the fair sex; to widows and maids they signify marriage; and to those that have husbands and children, purchases and riches; for as women are provided with these deckings, so shall they be stored with husbands, children and goods. Chariot.—To dream of driving a chariot drawn by wolves, leopards, dogs, tigers, or such like beasts, is only good to such as have great enemies. To dream to be drawn in a chair by men is good. Cheeks.—To dream one hath cheeks plump, fat and of vermilion tincture, is good to all, especially women, but to dream that you are lean, pale, and full of wrinkles, signifies grief and heaviness. Capon.—To dream that a capon crows, signifies sadness and trouble. Carrion.—To dream of carrion, signifies sadness. Carrots.—To dream of carrots, signifies profit and strength to them which are at law for inheritance; for we pluck them out of the ground with our hands, branches, strings and veins. Cart.—To dream of being tied to a cart, to draw like an horse or an ox, denotes servitude and pain to everybody; but to dream that you are carried in a cart or coach, the contrary. Coalpit.—To dream of being in the bottom of a coalpit, signifies marrying with a widow; for he that marries her shall never sound the depth of her policies. Combing.—For any person to dream of combing him or herself, is good, both for man or woman, for it signifies to get out of evil times or affairs. Comfort.—To dream you have comforts of any one, betokens to the rich and happy, injury and mishap; but to the poor and afflicted, aid and comfort. Command.—To dream you command any one, signifies trouble; to dream you see one command, signifies anger and authority. Complexion.—To dream you see an unknown person of a brown complexion, is a sign of glory, honor, success and dispatch of business. If one dreams he sees a woman of a very brown complexion, it signifies a very dangerous disease. If you see a woman unknown in your dream, with long and comely hair, with clear complexion, it is a very good sign. Corns.—For a man to dream his flesh is full of corns, shows he will grow rich proportionately to his corns. Crocodile.—To dream of a crocodile, signifies pirates or robbers at sea, or wicked periods in any sort like the crocodile. Cross.—To dream you see a cross carried along, signifies sadness. Cross Purposes.—To dream one plays at cross purposes, signifies prosperity, joy, pleasure, health and concord among friends and relations. Crow.—To dream you see a crow, signifies expedition of business. To dream you see a crow flying, is ill luck; and if you hear them croaking unpleasantly, the dream is so much the worse. If you dream the crow flies on the head of a child, it will be in great danger of some misfortune. Cypress Trees.—To dream you see a cypress tree denotes affliction in business. Crowing.—To dream you are crowing, or that you hear others crowing, denotes ill luck, especially to lovers; but to dream that you hear pigeons crowing, is good, especially to the newly-married, as it denotes happiness. Crawl.—To dream that you are crawling on the floor is bad; but to dream that you are crawling on the roof of a house is good, particularly to the lovers, as it is a sure sign they will be married. Children.—To dream you see children, denotes success in your undertakings. To dream you see a child born, denotes a speedy marriage and that you will be very happy with your family. To dream you see a child die, imports that you will experience some very heavy misfortune, and that your sweetheart will marry another. To dream you see children dirty and ragged, denotes that some friend will endeavor to prevail upon you to commit an act by which your reputation will be endangered; it also denotes that you will be in prison and experience poverty. For a maiden to dream she is with child, denotes that some man will attempt to rob her of her chastity, and that if she resists she will marry and be very happy. Climbing.—To dream that you are climbing up a tree, denotes that you will be successful in life. To dream you are climbing up a very steep hill or place, foretells many difficulties in life, and much sickness. If you reach the top, you will get over all your difficulties and recover from your illness; but if you awake before you have attained the top, you will be disappointed in love and all other projects and die in your next illness. Cherries.—To dream of cherries is a disappointment in life, vexation in the married state and slight in love. Cucumbers.—To dream of cucumbers, denotes recovery to the sick, and that you will speedily fall in love, or that if you are in love, you will marry the object of your affection. It also denotes moderate success in trade. To the sailor it foretells a pleasant voyage and a sweetheart in a distant climate. Coffin.—To dream of one denotes the death of a friend or some near relation.

      Disease.—To dream you have any disease promises prompt and speedy employment. Dragon.—To dream you see a dragon signifies riches and gain of great treasure. Dancing.—To dream that you are dancing at a ball, wake, or entertainment, foretells that you will shortly receive some joyful news from a long absent friend, and that you are about to inherit some unexpected legacy; for it foretells success and happiness in love; that your sweetheart is kind. Deer.—To dream you see deer in a park, denotes war and famine; to the lover it foretells some unpleasant dispute with his sweetheart. Dice.—To dream you are playing at dice or back-gammon, denotes much good to the dreamer, in either love, marriage or trade. Dirt.—To dream of dirt signifies sickness and dishonor. To dream you fall in the dirt, signifies that you shall be treacherously dealt with. Ditches.—To dream of deep ditches, steep mountains, rocks, and other eminences, surely foretells danger and misfortune. Expect thieves to rob your dwelling; that your children will be undutiful and bring you into trouble. If you are in love, it foretells unhappiness if you marry your present sweetheart. If you are in trade, it denotes loss of goods, if not of liberty. Dogs.—To dream of these faithful and domestic animals has very different significations, according to the manner in which you see them. If they fawn and fondle upon you, then it is a very lucky omen. If you are in love, your sweetheart will marry you and be very happy. If they are barking and snarling at you, then depend that enemies are secretly endeavoring to destroy your reputation and happiness; if you are in love, be careful of your sweetheart. Drowning.—To dream you are drowning, or that you see another drowned or drowning, portends good to the dreamer. To the lover it denotes that your sweetheart is good-tempered and inclined to marry you. Dead.—To dream of talking with dead folks is a good, auspicious dream, and signifies a boldness of courage and a very clear conscience. To dream a man is dead that is alive and in health, signifies great trouble and being overthrown at law. Darkness.—To dream you are in a very dark place, or that you are in the dark, is a very unfavorable omen. To dream you get out of darkness into light, denotes good to the dreamer. Expect also to hear some glad tidings from a far distant country. Death.—To dream of death, denotes that you will either be speedily married yourself, or else assist at a wedding. To dream that you are dead, also denotes a speedy marriage, and that you will be successful in your undertakings. To dream you see another person dead, denotes unkind usage from your friends. Drunkenness.—To dream you are drunk, is one of those dreams by which the dreamer is forewarned of that of which at present he knows nothing. It denotes that some person whom yet you do not know, will become a very good friend and promote your welfare. To a woman, it denotes that she will be beloved by an excellent man whom yet she has not seen; and to a man it denotes that he is tenderly beloved by a woman whom he does not at present think of, who will make him extremely happy, and bring him money. Dairy.—To dream you are in a dairy busy at work, is a very favorable omen; to the maid it indicates that her lover will be of an industrious turn, and that if she marries, she will have children, and her husband will become rich and rise to honor. To the farmer it denotes that his crops will be abundant, but that he will lose some of his live stock by thieves. Devil.—To dream of this enemy to the human race, denotes that many dangers will threaten you, all of which you will overcome. If you are in love, it forebodes that some one is endeavoring to alienate the affection of your sweetheart, but will be unsuccessful. Dolphin.—To dream of a dolphin, shows to seafaring men a wind from the place whence

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