The Complete Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe (Illustrated Edition). Эдгар Аллан По

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The Complete Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe (Illustrated Edition) - Эдгар Аллан По

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That all seem pendulous in air,

       While from the high towers of the town

       Death looks gigantically down.

       But lo! a stir is in the air!

       The wave! there is a ripple there!

       As if the towers had thrown aside,

       In slightly sinking, the dull tide —

       As if the turret-tops had given

       A vacuum in the filmy heaven:

       The waves have now a redder glow —

       The very hours are breathing low —

       And when, amid no earthly moans,

       Down, down that town shall settle hence,

       Hell rising from a thousand thrones

       Shall do it reverence,

       And Death to some more happy clime

       Shall give his undivided time.

      Deep in Earth

       Table of Contents

      Deep in earth my love is lying

       And I must weep alone.

      The Divine Right of Kings

       Table of Contents

      The only king by right divine

       Is Ellen King, and were she mine

       I'd strive for liberty no more,

       But hug the glorious chains I wore.

      Her bosom is an ivory throne,

       Where tyrant virtue reigns alone;

       No subject vice dare interfere,

       To check the power that governs here.

      O! would she deign to rule my fate,

       I'd worship Kings and kingly state,

       And hold this maxim all life long,

       The King — my King — can do no wrong. P.


       Table of Contents

      Elizabeth, it surely is most fit

       (Logic and common usage so commanding)

       In thy own book that first thy name be writ,

       Zeno and other sages notwithstanding;

       And I have other reasons for so doing

       Besides my innate love of contradiction;

       Each poet - if a poet - in pursuing

       The muses thro' their bowers of Truth or Fiction,

       Has studied very little of his part,

       Read nothing, written less - in short's a fool

       Endued with neither soul, nor sense, nor art,

       Being ignorant of one important rule,

       Employed in even the theses of the school-

       Called - I forget the heathenish Greek name

       (Called anything, its meaning is the same)

       "Always write first things uppermost in the heart."


       Table of Contents

      For the Baltimore Visiter

       The noblest name in Allegory's page,

       The hand that traced inexorable rage;

       A pleasing moralist whose page refined,

       Displays the deepest knowledge of the mind;

       A tender poet of a foreign tongue,

       (Indited in the language that he sung.)

       A bard of brilliant but unlicensed page

       At once the shame and glory of our age,

       The prince of harmony and stirling sense,

       The ancient dramatist of eminence,

       The bard that paints imagination's powers,

       And him whose song revives departed hours,

       Once more an ancient tragic bard recall,

       In boldness of design surpassing all.

       These names when rightly read, a name (make) known

       Which gathers all their glories in its own.

      Epigram for Wall Street

       Table of Contents

      I'll tell you a plan for gaining wealth,

       Better than banking, trade or leases —

       Take a bank note and fold it up,

       And then you will find your money in creases!

       This wonderful plan, without danger or loss,

       Keeps your cash in your hands, where nothing can trouble it;

       And every time that you fold it across,

       'Tis as plain as the light of the day that you double it!

      -The End-


       Table of Contents

      Do tell when shall we make common sense men out of the

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