The Complete Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe (Illustrated Edition). Эдгар Аллан По

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The Complete Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe (Illustrated Edition) - Эдгар Аллан По

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style="font-size:15px;">       Out of The Frog-faced stupid old God-born Pundits who lost in a fog-bank

       Strut about all along shore there somewhere close by the Down East

       Frog Duck Pond munching of pea nuts and pumpkins and buried in big-wigs

       Why ask who ever yet saw money made out of a fat old

       Jew or downright upright nutmegs out of a pine-knot


       Table of Contents

      The dying swan by northern lakes

       Sings its wild death song, sweet and clear,

       And as the solemn music breaks

       O'er hill and glen dissolves in air ;

       Thus musical thy soft voice came,

       Thus trembled on thy tongue my name.

      Like sunburst through the ebon cloud,

       Which veils the solemn midnight sky,

       Piercing cold evening's sable shroud,

       Thus came the first glance of that eye ;

       But like the adamantine rock,

       My spirit met and braved the shock.

      Let memory the boy recall

       Who laid his heart upon thy shrine,

       When far away his footsteps fall,

       Think that he deem'd thy charms divine ;

       A victim on love's alter slain,

       By witching eyes which looked disdain.

      Impromptu – To Kate Carol

       Table of Contents

      When from your gems of thought I turn

       To those pure orbs, your heart to learn,

       I scarce know which to prize most high —

       The bright i-dea, or the bright dear-eye.

      -The End-

      Lines on Ale

       Table of Contents

      Fill with mingled cream and amber

       I will drain that glass again.

       Such hilarious visions clamber

       Through the chamber of my brain -

       Quaintest thoughts - queerest fancies

       Come to life and fade away;

       What care I how time advances?

       I am drinking ale today.

      O, Tempora! O, Mores!

       Table of Contents

      O, Times! O, Manners! It is my opinion

       That you are changing sadly your dominion —

       I mean the reign of manners hath long ceased,

       For men have none at all, or bad at least;

       And as for times, altho' 'tis said by many

       The "good old times" were far the worst of any,

       Of which sound doctrine l believe each tittle,

       Yet still I think these worse than them a little.

       I've been a thinking — isn't that the phrase? —

       I like your Yankee words and Yankee ways —

       I've been a thinking, whether it were best

       To take things seriously, or all in jest;

       Whether, with grim Heraclitus of yore,

       To weep, as he did, till his eyes were sore,

       Or rather laugh with him, that queer philosopher,

       Democritus of Thrace, who used to toss over

       The page of life and grin at the dog-ears,

       As though he'd say, "Why, who the devil cares?"

       This is a question which, oh heaven, withdraw

       The luckless query from a member's claw!

       Instead of two sides, Job [Bob] has nearly eight,

       Each fit to furnish forth four hours debate.

       What shall be done? I'll lay it on the table,

       And take the matter up when I'm more able,

       And, in the meantime, to prevent all bother,

       I'll neither laugh with one, nor cry with t'other,

       Nor deal in flatt'ry or aspersions foul,

       But, taking one by each hand, merely growl.

       Ah, growl, say you, my friend, and pray at what?

       Why, really, sir, I almost had forgot —

       But, damn it, sir, I deem it a disgrace

       That things should stare us boldly in the face,

       And daily strut the street with bows and scrapes,

       Who would be men by imitating apes.

       I beg your pardon, reader, for the oath

       The monkeys make me swear, though something loth;

       I'm apt to be discursive in my style,

       But pray be patient; yet a little while

       Will change me, and as politicians do,

       I'll mend my manners and my measures too.

       Of all the cities — and I've seen no few;


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