Russian Fairytales & Fables (Illustrated Edition). Arthur Ransome

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Russian Fairytales & Fables (Illustrated Edition) - Arthur  Ransome

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favourite arrow, and can find it nowhere, and my sorrow is the greater because I can not discover a steed to please me.”

      “That is no great matter to grieve for,” said the man; “I will get you a good horse, and give you back your arrow since it flew down to me here; but what will you give me for it?”

      “Anything you ask,” replied Ivan, “if you will give me what you promise.”

      “Nay,” said the man, “I want nothing more than that you will free me from this place.”

      “And how and by whom were you caged up thus?”

      “Your father imprisoned me here,” replied the man. “I was a famous robber, and was called Bulat the Brave Companion. He was enraged against me, and ordered me to be taken and imprisoned; and here I have been confined for three-and-thirty years.”

      “Hark ye, Bulat, brave Companion,” said Ivan, “I cannot set you free without my father’s consent; were he to hear of it he would be wroth.”

      “Fear not,” replied Bulat; “your father will hear nothing; for as soon as you set me at liberty I shall go into other lands and not live here.”

      “Well then,” said Ivan Tsarevich, “I consent, only on condition that you give me back my arrow and tell me where I can find a trusty steed.”

      “Go into the open fields,” said Bulat the Brave Companion, “and there you will see three green oaks; and, on the ground under these oaks, an iron door, with a copper ring. Under the door is a stable, in which stands a good steed, shut in by twelve iron doors with twelve steel locks. Heave up this door, strike off the twelve steel locks, and open the twelve doors; there you will find a horse; mount him and come to me; I will give you back your arrow, and then you will let me out of this prison.”

      When Ivan Tsarevich heard this he went into the open fields, saw the three green oaks, and found the iron door with the copper ring. So he hove up the door, knocked off the twelve locks, and opened the twelve doors, and entered a stable, where he beheld a knightly steed and a suit of armour. Then Ivan Tsarevich laid his hand upon the horse, and the horse fell not upon his knees, but merely bent himself a little. And as soon as the horse saw a knight standing before him, he neighed loudly, and let Ivan saddle and bridle him. Ivan Tsarevich took the steed, the battle-axe, and sword, led the horse out of the stable, leaped into the Tcherkess saddle, and took the silken bridle in his white hand. Then Ivan wished to try his steed, and struck him on the flank: the horse chafed his bit, and rose from the ground, and away he went over the tall forests and under the flying clouds, left hill and dale beneath his feet, covered small streams with his tail, bounded over wide rivers and marshes; and so at last Ivan came to Bulat the Brave Companion, and said with a loud voice: “Now give me back my arrow, Bulat my brave fellow, and I will let you out of your cage.” So Bulat instantly gave him back his arrow, and Ivan set him free.

      “I thank you, Ivan Tsarevich,” said Bulat, “for giving me freedom. I will, in return, render you good service; whenever you are in any difficulty, and want me, only say: ‘Where is my Bulat, the Brave Companion?’ and I will instantly come to you and serve you faithfully in your need.”

      So saying, Bulat cried with a loud voice:

      “Sivka Burka! he!

       Fox of Spring! Appear!

       Like a grass blade, here

       Stand before me!”

      Instantly a steed stood before Bulat the Brave, who crept into his ear, ate and drank his fill, and then crept out at the other ear; and he became such a handsome youth as no one can imagine, no pen can describe, nor story tell. Then Bulat mounted his horse and galloped off, exclaiming: “Farewell, then, for the present, Ivan Tsarevich!”

      Ivan now mounted his good steed and rode to his father, and with tears in his eyes, took leave of him; then, taking with him his squire, he rode forth into foreign lands. And after they had ridden for some time they came to a wood; the day was bright and hot, and Ivan Tsarevich grew thirsty. So they wandered all about the wood, seeking water, but could find none. At length they found a deep well, in which there was some water; and Ivan said to his squire: “Go down the well and fetch me up some water; I will hold you by a rope to prevent you being drowned.”

      “Nay, Ivan Tsarevich,” said the squire, “I am heavier than you, and you cannot hold me up; you had better descend, for I can support you.”

      So Ivan followed his squire’s advice, and let himself down into the well. And when Ivan had drunk enough, he told the squire to draw him up; but the squire answered: “Nay, I will not draw you out until you give me your word in writing that you are my servant and I am your master, and that my name is Ivan Tsarevich; if you refuse this I will drown you in the well.”

      “My dear squire,” cried Ivan, “do not drown me, but draw me up, and I will do all you desire.” “No, I don’t believe you,” said the squire; “swear me an oath.” So Ivan swore that he would be true.

      Thereupon the squire drew him out, and Ivan Tsarevich took a piece of paper, wrote the writing, and gave it to the squire. Then he took off his own cloak, and exchanged it for the squire’s, and they went on their way. After some days they came to the kingdom of the Tsar Panthui. And when the Tsar heard of the arrival of Ivan Tsarevich he went out to meet him; and, greeting the false Tsarevich, he took him by the white hands, conducted him into his marble halls, seated him at his oaken table, and they feasted and made merry. Then Tsar Panthui asked the false Tsarevich what had brought him to his kingdom, and he answered: “My gracious lord, I am come to sue for the hand of your daughter, the fair Princess Tseria.”

      “Gladly will I give you my daughter to wife,” replied Panthui.

      In the course of their talk the false Ivan said to the Tsar Panthui: “Let my servant, I pray, do the lowest work in the kitchen, for he has greatly annoyed me on my journey.” So the Tsar immediately commanded Ivan to be set to do the most menial work, whilst his squire feasted and made merry with the Tsar.

      A few days after this an army was seen marching against the kingdom of Panthui, threatening to lay it waste and take the Tsar prisoner. Thereupon Panthui called the false Ivan and said: “My dear future son-in-law, a hostile army has come to attack my dominions: drive the enemy back and I will give you my daughter, but only on this condition.” And the squire answered; “Well and good, I will do as you desire; but only by night—in the day I have no luck in fight.”

      As soon as night drew on and everyone in the castle had gone to rest, the false Ivan went out into the open court, called to him the true Tsarevich, and said: “Ivan Tsarevich, be not angry with me for taking your place; forget it all, do me one service, and drive the enemy from this kingdom.” And Ivan answered: “Go and lie down to sleep—all shall be accomplished.” Then the squire went and lay down to sleep, and Ivan cried with a loud voice: “Where is my Bulat, the Brave Companion?” In an instant Bulat stood before him, and asked: “What service do you require now? What is your need? Tell me forthwith.” Then Ivan Tsarevich told him his need, and Bulat desired him to saddle his horse and put on his armour; and then cried with a loud voice:

      “Sivka Burka! he!

       Fox of Spring! Appear!

       Like a grass blade, here

       Stand before me!”

      The horse bounded till the ground shook; from his ears rose a column of steam, and from his nostrils issued flames; but when he

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