Émile Zola, Novelist and Reformer: An Account of His Life & Work. Ernest Alfred Vizetelly

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Émile Zola, Novelist and Reformer: An Account of His Life & Work - Ernest Alfred Vizetelly

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of the dark choir. Again, another day, Cézanne hit upon the idea of roasting some cock-chafers in his desk to see whether they were good to eat, as people said they were. So terrible became the stench, so dense the smoke, that the usher rushed for some water, under the impression that the place was on fire. At another time they sawed off the wooden seats in one of the courtyards, and carried them like corpses round the basin of so-called ornamental water in the centre of the yard, other boys joining them, forming in procession, and singing funeral dirges. But in the midst of it all, Baille, who played the priest, tumbled into the basin while trying to scoop some water into his cap, which was to have served as a holy-water pot.[10]

      Although Émile Zola eventually lost all faith in the dogmas of the Roman Church, the pomp of its cult impressed him throughout his life, as is shown by many passages in his works. And in his boyhood the processions of Aix delighted him. He himself sometimes took part in them—acting on at least one occasion, in 1856, as a clarionet player of the college fanfare, for his friend Marguery had imparted to him some taste for music.

      Dam and Reservoir of the Zola Canal.—Photo by Martinet & Jouven.


      A little later, when Zola's young muse essayed her flight, he recalled those days of Provence, singing:

      "O Provence, des pleurs s'échappent de mes yeux

       Quand vibre sur mon luth ton nom mélodieux. …

       O région d'amour, de parfum, de lumière,

       Il me serait bien doux de t'appeler ma mère. …

       Autour d'Aix, la romaine, il n'est pas de ravines,

       Pas de rochers perdus au penchant des collines,

       Dans la vallée en fleur pas de lointains sentiers,

       Où, l'on ne puisse voir l'empreinte de mes pieds. …

       Écolier échappé de la docte prison,

       Et jetant aux échos son rire et sa chanson,

       Adolescent rêveur poursuivant sous tes saules

       La nymphe dont il croit voir blanchir les épaules,

       Jusqu'aux derniers taillis j'ai couru tes forêts,

       O Provence, et foulé tes lieux les plus secrets.

       Mes lèvres nommeraient chacune de tes pierres,


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