Poetry. John Skelton

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Poetry - John Skelton

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with strict propriety; for the passages in which he introduces snatches of Latin and French are thinly scattered through his works. “This anomalous and motley mode of versification,” says Warton, “is, I believe, supposed to be peculiar to our author. I am not, however, quite certain that it originated with Skelton.”[136] He ought to have been “quite certain” that it did not.[137]

      [15] Sometimes written Schelton: and Blomefield says, “That his Name was Shelton or Skelton, appears from his Successor’s Institution, viz. ’1529, 17 July, Thomas Clerk, instituted on the Death of John Shelton, last Rector [Lib. Inst. No. 18].’ ” Hist. of Norfolk, i. 20. ed. 1739.

      “Ah decus, ah patriæ specie pulcherrima dudum!

      Urbs Norvicensis,” &c.

      Does “patriæ” mean his native county?

      I take the present opportunity of giving from a MS. in my possession a much fuller copy than has hitherto appeared of the celebrated song which opens the second act of Gammer Gurtons Nedle, and which Warton calls “the first chanson à boire or drinking-ballad, of any merit, in our language.” Hist. of E. P. iii. 206. ed. 4to. The comedy was first printed in 1575: the manuscript copy of the song, as follows, is certainly of an earlier date:

      “backe & syde goo bare goo bare

      bothe hande & fote goo colde

      but belly god sende the good ale inowghe

      whether hyt be newe or olde.

      but yf that I

      maye have trwly

      goode ale my belly full

      I shall looke lyke one

      by swete sainte Johnn

      were shoron agaynste the woole

      thowthe I goo bare

      take yow no care

      I am nothynge colde

      I stuffe my skynne

      so full within

      of joly goode ale & olde.

      I cannot eate

      but lytyll meate

      my stomacke ys not goode

      but sure I thyncke

      that I cowde dryncke

      with hym that werythe an hoode

      dryncke ys my lyfe

      althowgthe my wyfe

      some tyme do chyde & scolde

      yete spare I not

      to plye the potte

      of joly goode ale & olde.

      backe & syde, &c.

      I love noo roste

      but a browne toste

      or a crabbe in the fyer

      a lytyll breade

      shall do me steade

      mooche breade I neuer desyer

      Nor froste nor snowe


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