Poetry. John Skelton

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Poetry - John Skelton

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the xviiiᵗʰ day of Aprill,

      By your seruants,

       John Peache,

       Wyllm Sandys,

       Robert Wotton,

       Edward Guldeferd,

       Crystoffyr Garneys.

      To my Lorde cardynalls grace,

       Legate a Latere and chanceler

       of England.”

      In Proceed. and Ordin. of the Privy Council (vol. vii. 183, 196), 1541, mention is made of a Lady Garnishe (probably the widow of Sir Christopher) having had a house at Calais; and in Privy Purse Expenses of the Princess Mary (p. 120) we find under June 1543,

“Item my lady garnyshe seruaunt for bringing cherys xii d.
Apologia ad { Joh. Skeltonum.
{ Rob. Whittington.

      for a copy of which I have sought in vain.

      “With face so bold, and teeth so sharp,

      Of viper’s venome, why dost carp?

      Why are my verses by thee weigh’d

      In a false scale? may truth be said?

      Whilst thou to get the more esteem

      A learned Poet fain wouldst seem,

      Skelton, thou art, let all men know it,

      Neither learned, nor a Poet.”

      I may notice here, that among the Harleian MSS. (2252, fols. 156, 158) are two poems on the Cardinal, which in the Catalogue of that collection Wanley has described as “Skelton’s libels;” but they are evidently not by him.

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