Poetry. John Skelton

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Poetry - John Skelton

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storke also,

      That maketh his nest 470

      In chymneyes to rest;

      Within those walles

      May there abyde

      Of cokoldry syde,

      Or els phylosophy

      Maketh a great lye.

      The estryge, that wyll eate

      An horshowe so great,

      In the stede of meate, 480

      Such feruent heat

      He can not well fly,

      Nor synge tunably,

      Yet at a brayde

      He hath well assayde

      To solfe aboue ela,

       Ne quando

      Male cantando, 490

      The best that we can,

      To make hym our belman,

      And let hym ryng the bellys;

      He can do nothyng ellys.

      Chaunteclere, our coke,

      Must tell what is of the clocke

      By the astrology

      That he hath naturally

      By Albumazer

      The astronomer,

      Nor by Ptholomy

      Prince of astronomy,

      Nor yet by Haly;

      And yet he croweth dayly

      That no man abydes,

      With Partlot his hen,

      Whom now and then 510

      Hee plucketh by the hede

      Whan he doth her trede.

      The byrde of Araby,

      That potencyally

      May neuer dye,

      And yet there is none

      But one alone;

      A phenex it is

      This herse that must blys

      With armatycke gummes 520

      The way of thurifycation

      With greate reuerence,

      As patryarke or pope

      In a blacke cope;

      He shall synge the verse,

      Libera me,

      In de, la, soll, re,

      Softly bemole

      For my sparowes soule.

      Plinni sheweth all

      In his story naturall

      What he doth fynde

      Of the phenyx kynde;

      Of whose incyneracyon 540

      There ryseth a new creacyon

      Of the same facyon

      Without alteracyon,

      Sauyng that olde age

      Is turned into corage

      Of fresshe youth agayne;

      This matter trew and playne,

      Playne matter indede,

      Who so lyst to rede.

      But for the egle doth flye 550

      Hyest in the skye,

      The quere to demeane,

      As prouost pryncypall,

      To teach them theyr ordynall;

      Also the noble fawcon,

      The tarsell gentyll,

      They shall morne soft and styll

      In theyr amysse of gray; 560

      The sacre with them shall say

      Dirige for Phyllyppes soule;

      The goshauke shall haue a role


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