Poetry. John Skelton

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Poetry - John Skelton

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queresters to controll;

      Shall stand in their morning gounes;

      The hobby and the muskette

      The sensers and the crosse shall fet;

      The kestrell in all this warke

      And now the darke cloudy nyght

      Chaseth away Phebus bryght,

      Taking his course toward the west,

      God sende my sparoes sole good rest!

      Requiem æternam dona eis,[391] Domine!

      A por ta in fe ri,

      Fa, fa, fa, my, my.

      Credo videre bona Domini,

      I pray God, Phillip to heuen may fly! 580

       Domine, exaudi orationem meam!

      To heuen he shall, from heuen he cam!

       Do mi nus vo bis cum!

      Of al good praiers God send him sum!


      Deus, cui proprium est misereri et parcere,

      On Phillips soule haue pyte!

      For he was a prety cocke,

      And came of a gentyll stocke,

      And wrapt in a maidenes smocke, 590

      And cherysshed full dayntely,

      But whereto shuld I

      Lenger morne or crye?

      To Jupyter I call,

      Of heuen emperyall,

      That Phyllyp may fly

      Aboue the starry sky,

      To treade the prety wren, 600

      That is our Ladyes hen:

      Amen, amen, amen!

      Yet one thynge is behynde,

      An epytaphe I wold haue

      For Phyllyppes graue:

      But for I am a mayde,

      Tymerous, halfe afrayde,

      That neuer yet asayde

      Of Elyconys well, 610

      Where the Muses dwell;

      Though I can rede and spell,

      Recounte, reporte, and tell

      Of the Tales of Caunterbury,

      Some sad storyes, some mery;

      As Palamon and Arcet,

      Duke Theseus, and Partelet;

      And of the Wyfe of Bath,

      Whan her tale is tolde 620

      Amonge huswyues bolde,

      How she controlde

      Her husbandes as she wolde,

      And them to despyse

      In the homylyest wyse,

      Brynge other wyues in thought

      Their husbandes to set at nought:

      And though that rede haue I

      Of Gawen and syr Guy,

      And tell can a great pece 630

      Of the Golden Flece,

      How Jason it wan,

      Lyke a valyaunt man;

      Of Arturs rounde table,

      With his knightes commendable,

      And dame Gaynour, his quene,

      Was somwhat wanton, I wene;

      How syr Launcelote de Lake

      Many a spere brake

      For his ladyes sake; 640

      Of Trystram, and kynge Marke,

      And al the hole warke

      Of Bele Isold his wyfe,

      For whom was moch stryfe;

      Some say she was lyght,

      And made her husband knyght

      That cuckoldes men call;

      And of syr Lybius,

      Named Dysconius; 650

      And how they were sommonde

      To Rome, to Charlemayne,

      Vpon a great payne,

      And how they rode eche one

      On Bayarde Mountalbon;

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