Poetry. John Skelton

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Poetry - John Skelton

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semyth from afar

      Lyke to the radyant star,

      All with fauour fret,

      So properly it is set:

      She is the vyolet, 1050

      The daysy delectable,

      This blossom of fressh colour,

      So Jupiter me succour,

      She florysheth new and new

      In beaute and vertew:

       Hac claritate gemina

      O gloriosa fœmina, 1060

       Bonitatem fecisti cum servo tuo, domina,

       Et ex præcordiis sonant præconia!

      And whan I perceyued

      Her wart and conceyued,

      It cannot be denayd

      But it was well conuayd,

      And set so womanly,

      And nothynge wantonly,

      But ryght conuenyently,

      And full congruently, 1070

      As Nature cold deuyse,

      In most goodly wyse;

      Who so lyst beholde,

      It makethe louers bolde

      To her to sewe for grace,

      Her fauoure to purchase;

      The sker upon her chyn,

      Whyter than the swan,

      It wold make any man 1080

      To forget deadly syn

      Her fauour to wyn;

      This blossom of fressh coloure,

      So Jupiter me socoure,

      She flouryssheth new and new

      In beaute and vertew:

       Hac claritate gemina

       O gloriosa fœmina,

      Defecit in salutatione tua[439] anima mea; 1090

      Soft, and make no dyn,

      For now I wyll begyn

      Her goodly dalyaunce,

      And her goodly pastaunce:

      So sad and so demure,

      Behauynge her so sure,

      With wordes of pleasure

      She wold make to the lure 1100

      And any man conuert

      To gyue her his hole hert.

      She made me sore amased

      Vpon her whan I gased,

      Me thought min hert was crased,

      My eyne were so dased;

      For this most goodly flour,

      So Jupyter me socour,

      She flouryssheth new and new 1110

      In beauty and vertew:

       Hac claritate gemina

       O gloriosa fœmina,

       Quomodo dilexi legem tuam, domina!

       Recedant vetera, nova sint[443] omnia.

      And to amende her tale,

      Whan she lyst to auale,

      And with her fyngers smale,

      And handes soft as sylke,

      That are so quyckely vayned,

      Wherwyth my hand she strayned,

      Lorde, how I was payned!

      Vnneth I me refrayned,

      How she me had reclaymed,

      And me to her retayned,

      Enbrasynge therwithall

      With sydes longe and streyte;

      To tell you what conceyte 1130

      I had than in a tryce,

      The matter were to nyse,

      And yet there was no vyce,

      Nor yet no villany,

      But only fantasy;

      For this most goodly floure,

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