Poetry. John Skelton

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Poetry - John Skelton

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      Some huswyues[494] come vnbrased,

      Wyth theyr naked pappes,

      That flyppes and flappes;

      It wygges and it[495] wagges,

      Lyke tawny saffron bagges;

      A sorte of foule drabbes

      All scuruy with scabbes: 140

      Some be flybytten,

      Some skewed as a kytten;

      Some wyth a sho clout

      Bynde theyr heddes about;

      Some haue no herelace,

      Theyr lockes about theyr face,

      Theyr tresses vntrust,

      All full of vnlust;

      Some loke strawry,

      Some cawry mawry; 150

      Full vntydy tegges,

      Lyke rotten egges.

      Suche a lewde sorte

      To Elynour resorte

      From tyde to tyde:

      Abyde, abyde,

      And to you shall be tolde

      Howe hyr ale is solde

      To Mawte and to Molde.

       Secundus passus.

      Some haue no mony 160

      That thyder commy,

      For theyr ale to pay,

      That is a shreud aray;

      Elynour swered, Nay,

      Ye shall not beare away

      My[496] ale for nought,

      By hym that me bought!

      With, Hey, dogge, hay,

      Haue these hogges[497] away!

      With, Get me a staffe, 170

      The swyne eate my draffe!

      Stryke the hogges with a clubbe,

      They haue dronke vp my swyllynge tubbe!

      For, be there neuer so much prese,

      These swyne go to the hye dese,

      The sowe with her pygges;

      The bore his tayle wrygges,

      His rumpe[498] also he frygges

      Agaynst[499] the hye benche!

      With, Fo, ther is a stenche! 180

      Gather vp, thou wenche;

      Seest thou not what is fall?

      Take vp dyrt[500] and all,

      And bere out of the hall:

      God gyue it yll preuynge,

      Clenly as yuell cheuynge!

      But let vs turne playne,

      There we lefte agayne.

      For, as yll a patch as that,

      The hennes ron in the mashfat; 190

      For they go to roust

      Streyght ouer the ale ioust,

      And donge, whan it commes,

      In the ale tunnes.

      Than Elynour taketh

      The mashe bolle, and shaketh

      The hennes donge away,

      And skommeth it into[501] a tray

      Whereas the yeest is,

      With her maungy fystis: 200

      And somtyme she blennes

      The donge of her hennes

      And the ale together;

      And sayeth, Gossyp, come hyther,

      This ale shal be thycker,

      And flowre the more quicker;

      For I may tell you,

      I lerned it of a Jewe,

      Whan I began to brewe,

      And I haue founde it trew; 210

      Drinke now whyle it is new;

      And ye may it broke,

      It shall make you loke

      Yonger than ye be

      Yeres two or thre,

      For ye may proue it by me;

      Beholde, she sayde, and se

      How bryght I am of ble!

      Ich am not cast away,

      That can my husband say, 220

      Whan we kys and play

      In lust and in lykyng;

      He calleth me his whytyng,

      His mullyng and his mytyng,[502]

      His nobbes and his conny,


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