Viken Command. Grace Goodwin

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Viken Command - Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides® Program

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be assigned another mate on that world and transferred. You will have thirty days to accept or reject each candidate until you settle down with a mate from your matched planet.”

      A return policy. “As long as I’m not coming back here, I’m totally fine with that.”

      She stood and held out her arm. “Good. Then if you’ll settle back into the testing chair once again.”

      I glanced at the dentist-chair lookalike. Was I going to get that orgasm I so desperately wanted? I did as she requested, and with a swipe of her finger across her tablet, the restraints were back in place.

      “For your safety,” she explained. Once I settled, she continued. “For the record, Miss Mason, you have been assigned to a mate per testing protocols and will be transported off-planet, never to return to Earth. Do you understand this and accept the match?”

      Why was she confirming this three times? Did other women freak out at this point? Did they not realize why they’d walked through the center’s doors? “Yes.”

      The chair tipped back then, and I looked up and saw the wall behind me open. The testing chair slid, as if on a track, right into the newly revealed space on the other side of the wall. The tiny room was small and glowing with a series of bright blue lights. The chair lurched to a stop, and a robotic arm with a large needle slid silently up to my neck.

      “Don’t be alarmed. It is the NPU that will allow you to process other languages.”

      I winced as the oversized needle pierced my skin, then all I felt was a slight tingling at the injection site. A sense of lethargy and contentment made my body go limp as I was lowered into a bath of warm blue liquid. I was so warm, so numb…

      “Just try to relax, Miss Mason.” Her finger swiped her tablet, and her voice drifted to me as if from far, far away. “Your processing will begin in three… two… one…”


       Captain Alarr, Trixon Pleasure Resort, Planet Viken

      I watched the other two pace and crack their knuckles in anger just outside of Doctor Helion’s view. His face filled my comm screen, and his scowl was ever-present, even from thousands of light-years away. I’d contacted him the moment I’d received word of my match, and we’d been speaking in circles for the past few minutes. Doctor Helion was our commander on this mission and our only I.C. contact. He also had absolutely no sympathy and no respect for the sacred right of a male to protect his mate and family.



      “Listen, Helion—” I began, trying to get it through his hard head that I wasn’t going to risk my mate, and she hadn’t even arrived yet. But she would. Soon. My perfect, matched mate would arrive at this remote location by transport today. I didn’t even know her name, yet I was ruthlessly protective. So were Oran and Teig, which was exactly why I’d chosen them to help me care for her.

      “Commander or Doctor, Captain Alarr,” Helion said, cutting me off.

      He was all business, and that usually worked well when we were on a mission, especially like the one the three of us were on now, on our home world of Viken. We’d arrived months ago and were embedded so deeply undercover that it took the arrival of my Interstellar Bride to help us remember that we were supposed to be the good guys.

      “Viken may be in another solar system, but you are still under my command,” Doctor Helion continued. “As are your companions, Oran and Teig.”

      He assumed they were listening. Of course, he did. And he wasn’t wrong. He rarely was.

      “You all belong to me. Sworn in and signed. A bride’s arrival is… untimely, but you have a mission to complete. I don’t care if the goddess herself shows up on Viken, you will do your jobs and report back to me when it’s done.”

      Gritting my teeth, I remained seated, staring down the Prillon warrior on the other side of the comm screen. I only had a few minutes to state my case, to make him understand. Word had arrived that I’d been matched through the testing program less than an hour ago. I’d had to track down Oran and Teig and get to our quarters to make this secret comms call.

      Maintaining the comm connection for much longer would risk revealing ourselves to the enemy, risk them potentially tracking this communication back to Intelligence Core Command, and learning we weren’t just part of the resort’s security force. And then we’d all be dead. Me. Oran. Teig.

      And my mate.

      Our mate. It would be impossible for me to carry out my role in our mission and protect the female alone, so I’d asked them to join me in the new Viken custom of a male from each Viken sector sharing a female, as done by the three kings.

      I was from Sector One. Oran, Sector Two. Teig, Sector Three.

      Neither Oran nor Teig had protested. In fact, they’d agreed instantly, as eager to get a hot, willing female to claim for their own as I. If either one of them had received word they’d been matched through the Bride Testing program instead of me, the roles would have been the same. We were all now mated, just awaiting our female’s arrival.

      “She’s an innocent, Doctor.” Commander simply refused to roll off my tongue in my current state of mind. “A volunteer from the Interstellar Brides Program on Earth. She’s mine. Truly mine. A Prillon like yourself should understand, I cannot allow her to be here, in danger, while we complete this mission.”

      “You must,” he countered, not caring about my arguments. At this moment, he might be Prillon, but he was speaking as a commander. “We have been tracking the illegal shipments of Coalition weapons for months, and we know their transfer is happening on Viken at the Trixon resort. If you blow your cover now, all that work will be lost, and thousands more will die. Do you know how hard it was to find three I.C. operatives from Viken, and from each of the three sectors to ensure you could infiltrate all social groups among the employees and staff? It was damn near impossible. I am not going to start over, and you three are not going to fuck this up over a female.” He sliced his hand through the air. “There are no others. Just you and Oran and Teig. We cannot send an Atlan to replace you and pass him off as a Viken from Sector One. Do not become idiots because your cocks are hard and eager for your bride.”

      He had a point. I glanced at Teig and Oran. We were perfect for this job because we were Viken. We were from the three sectors we were representing in our undercover work. We were qualified to be on the security detail for the high-end pleasure resort known worldwide as the most exclusive, expensive, and pleasurable destination. Viken mates from all over the planet came to Trixon for vacation. A hedonistic trip where every sexual need and fantasy were met, regardless of sector residence. There were instructors to assist in the sensual arts, whether it was Sector One’s need for public sex, or the deep trust and bond found in anal play, Sector Two’s desire for submission and bondage, and Sector Three’s talent for oral pleasure. Anything mates desired, whether it was a single male and female or the newer custom of three males, one from each sector, with one female, no need was unmet.

      And as part of the elite security detail, we ensured the guests’ visits were carefree and memorable. And safe. Above all, safe.


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