Viken Command. Grace Goodwin

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Viken Command - Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides® Program

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he snapped.

      I refused to bow to him again. He was my commander, but he was also being an asshole, and he knew it. Forcing us to use our mate, to pleasure her under the guise of infiltrating a weapons smuggling operation? The idea of using her like that made me want to punch something. Not someone. Him.

      Her pleasure should be pure, untainted by lies or Doctor Helion’s commands. But that was not to be. Not while we were on Viken. “We will transport with our female to Battleship Zeus when this is over, Doctor. Alarr out.” That was all the response he was going to get from me.

      Disconnecting the comm, I turned to judge the reactions of the two males who would share my mate and help me protect and pleasure her.

      Help me lie to her.

      Teig was dark of hair, the waves a ragged mess that fell just past his chin. He looked like a barbarian, broad-shouldered and heavily muscled, which was fitting as he was from Sector Three, the steel gray band on his arm indicating his allegiance to that sector, as well as advertising to any available females that he loved to feast on the wet heat between their thighs nearly as much as Oran loved to dominate and control his lover.

      Oran was from Sector Two and dressed from head to toe in their standard black. The color was a stark contrast to his pale blond hair, cut regulation short. But it was the steel will that had saved all of our lives more than once in the past that I would count on now. He would protect our mate fiercely.

      I could rely on both males and had many times in the past. This was not our first mission together, but the first time the I.C. had sent us all home to Viken. The homecoming was bittersweet, our time working at Trixon reinforcing to all of us that we had no mate. No female to protect or pleasure. Seeing the other males with their sated mates had made me long for things I had not dared dream of for years.

      Home. Family. Children. A reason to keep fighting. I needed that solace now more than ever. Ten years tracking the Hive had left scars so deep I knew they would never completely heal. And those emotional wounds had begun to ache of late, to wear me down. Never would I admit it to Teig or Oran, but I was breaking into pieces, and I needed our new mate to glue me back together somehow.

      She was a gift. One I wished to treasure, adore, pleasure. Protect. But Helion wanted us to use her. Lie to her. Give her pleasure as a ruse to assist us in our hunt.

      The idea made me burn with fury, and yet I knew I would obey his order. I knew that once I had my mate before me, I would not be able to resist making her come all over my cock. I imagined the cries of pleasure she would make as we brought her body to orgasm over and over again. Relentless, our Seed Power making her beg for more. Always more.

      I shifted my cock inside my dark uniform and glared at the now blank screen. “I can’t believe this.”

      “I am really beginning to hate that Prillon.” Oran paced in front of the door, back rigid, eyes darting in a continuous check of the perimeter and exits of our quarters.

      “He’s just doing his job,” Teig commented. “We do ours, and at the same time, we can give our mate so many orgasms she has no idea we’re here for any reason other than to take care of her. By the time we take her back to Battleship Zeus, she’ll never doubt our devotion. And we’ll keep her out of danger. Tell her this special bonding time was part of our plan. For her. A special, traditional Viken mating that we initiated just to ensure her happiness.” Teig was sprawled in a chair, one leg straight out in front of him and one hanging over the arm, foot swinging as if he hadn’t a care in the world.

      He was the trickster among us. Sweet-tongued with the ladies, but he’d slit an enemy’s throat before one realized his smile didn’t quite reach his dark eyes. He, too, would protect our mate well. And pleasure her with oral skills I did not possess. I was not bothered by the idea, for I would satisfy her in other ways.

      I ran my palms down the dark brown of my Sector One uniform and frowned. “I don’t like this. She’s our mate, not a pawn to be used in Helion’s game.”

      “We’re all pawns, Alarr. And we need to get those weapons out of circulation before there is another massacre.” Teig wasn’t wrong. Just a few months ago, dozens of innocents were slaughtered at an illegal trading station operating just outside of Coalition controlled space. But the weapons the aggressors had used? Ours. Coalition issue. And we’d spent the last few months tracking them to Viken. Once the I.C. had tracked them here, Doctor Helion had pulled us off Battleship Zeus and reassigned us to our home world.

      I understood the logic, but that didn’t mean I wanted to spend long weeks wandering around a sensual paradise alone. With no mate.

      But the time had been well spent. We had a lead on a weapons delivery that was supposed to take place in the next few days.

      Perhaps we could pleasure our mate… and distract her just enough to keep her innocent of all this.

      Viken had a special place in my heart. It was home. But my family was long gone, dead or forgotten. I hadn’t been home in a very long time, the few cousins I had remaining were living their own lives. It was time to get back to work protecting all of the Coalition worlds. Viken felt too small. I felt small when I was here.

      We had a brand-new battleship and a new battlegroup commander waiting for us. Commander Zeus had won the challenge on Prillon Prime easily, besting the others so quickly news of his ruthlessness had spread like wildfire through the Coalition. Battleship commanders were elite, even among the Prillon warriors. Their family names launched into dynasties that lasted hundreds of years.

      Add to the fact that Zeus was only half-Prillon, and his reputation had caught fire like an explosion through the entire Fleet. He was half-Prillon and half-human. From Earth.

      The small planet had only been a probationary member of the Coalition for a few years, but their influence had spread rapidly. First, the three kings had taken a human female for a mate, then Prime Nial himself and his second, Ander, had claimed a human female in the battle arena on Prillon Prime in front of the entire Coalition of planets, her screams of pleasure broadcast live to every battleship and every world. She’d been more than legendary since. Queen Jessica Deston, the intrepid, passionate female every unmated male in the Coalition dreamed of claiming. Of fucking. Of being worthy to be chosen by such a strong, fierce female.

      One look at Ander, her second, and even the Atlan Warlords dared say nothing of her beauty and fire. But in the canteens, between missions, there was much talk among warriors, fighters, and warlords about the small blue planet known as Earth, and their highly desirable females. Added to their legendary status was the fact that they had successfully mated with many races, Atlan, Prillon, Viken, Trion, Everian… even the contaminated of The Colony did not scare the fierce females.

      One, I’d heard, had killed a Nexus with her bare hands and tamed a Forsian monster for her own… a contaminated Forsian from Rogue 5. The fucker had fangs.

      Another infamous female was Vice Commander Niobe of the Coalition Academy. That female answered only to Prime Nial himself.

      And now, I had a human female for my own. A mate from Earth. A soft, curved, fearless human female to pleasure and protect.

      I would be the envy of every warrior on Battleship Zeus. As would Oran and Teig. She was ours, and we would not give her up.

      We had barely met Zeus before being sent here. But I’d spent enough time with him to know he was an outstanding Prillon warrior, a worthy commander, and every second we wasted tracking down the smugglers

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