Lord of a Thousand Sun: Space Stories of Poul Anderson (Illustrated). Poul Anderson

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Lord of a Thousand Sun: Space Stories of Poul Anderson (Illustrated) - Poul Anderson

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chortled Urushkidan, rubbing his tentacles together. "My teory is confirmed. Not tat it needs confirmation, but now even an Eartman can see tat I am always right. And oh, how tey'll habe to pay!"

      The colors of the stars shifted toward blue in front and red behind. Doppler effect, thought Ray wildly. He was probably seeing by radio waves and gamma rays now. How fast were they going, anyway? He should have thought to install some kind of speed gauge. Several times the velocity of light at least.

      "Ha, this is fun," laughed Dyann.

      "Hmmm—we better stop while we can still see the Solar System," said Ray, and cut the main drive.

      The ship kept on going.

      "Hey!" screamed the Earthling. "Stop! Whoa!"

      "We can't stop," said Urushkidan coolly. "We're in a certain pseudobelocity-state now. Te engine merely accelerates us."

      "Well, how in hell do you brake?" groaned Ray.

      "I don't know. We'll habe to figure tat out. I tought you knew tis would happen."

      "Now I do." Ray floated free of his chair, beating his forehead with his fists. "I hope to heaven we can do it before the food runs out."

      Dyann looked at Urushkidan speculatively. "If vorst comes to vorst," she murmured, "roast Martian—"

      "Let's get busy," gasped Urushkidan.

      * * * * *

      It took a week to improvise a braking system. By that time they were no longer very sure where they were.

      "This is all my fault," said Dyann contritely. "If I had brought Ormun along she vould have looked after us."

      "One thing that worries me," said Ray, "is the Jovians. They aren't fools, and they won't be sitting on their hands waiting for us to come back and give the star drive to Earth."

      "First," said Urushkidan snappishly, "tere is te problem of finding our sun."

      Ray looked out the port. The ship was braked and, in the normal space-time state of matter, was floating amidst a wilderness of unfamiliar constellations. "It shouldn't be too hard," he said thoughtfully. "Look, there are the Magellanic Clouds, I think, and we should be able to locate Rigel or some other bright star. That way we can get a fix and locate ourselves relative to Sol."

      "Tere are no astronomical tables aboard ship," pointed out Urushkidan, "and I certainly don't clutter my brain wit mere numerical data."

      "Vich star is Rigel?" asked Dyann.

      "Why—uh—well—that one—no, it might be that one over there—or perhaps—how should I know?" growled Ray.

      "We will simply habe to go back te way we came, as nearly as we can judge it," said Urushkidan.

      "Maybe ve can find somevun who knows," suggested Dyann.

      Ray thought of landing on a planet and asking a winged, three-headed monster, "Pardon me, do you know which way Sol is?" To which the monster would doubtless reply, "Sorry, I'm a stranger here myself." He chuckled wryly. They'd encountered a difficulty which all the brave futuristic stories about exploring the Galaxy seemed to have overlooked.

      They had headed out in the ecliptic plane, very nearly on a line joining the momentary positions of Jupiter and Neptune. That didn't help much, though, in a boat never meant for interplanetary flight and thus carrying only the ephemerides of the Jovian System. Presumably they had gone in a straight line, so that one of the zodiacal constellations was at their back and should still be recognizable, but the high-velocity distortions of the outside view had precluded anyone's noticing which stars had been where.

      Ray floated over to the port and looked out at the eerie magnificence of unknown space. "If I'd been a Boy Scout," he lamented, "I might know the constellations. The thing to do is to head back toward any one which looks halfway familiar, since that must be the one which was at our stern. But I only know Orion and the Big Dipper." He looked at Urushkidan with accusing eyes. "You're the great astrophysicist. Can't you tell one star from another?"

      "Certainly not," said the Martian huffily. "No astrophysicist eber looks at de stars if he can help it."

      "Oh, you want a con—con—star-picture?" asked Dyann innocently.

      Ray said, "I mean one we know, as we see the stars from Sol, or from Centauri. You're nice to look at, honey, but right now I can't help wishing you Varannians were a little more intellectual."

      "Oh, I know the stars," said Dyann. "Every noble learns them. Let me see—" She floated around the chamber, from port to port, staring out and muttering to herself. "Oh, yes. There is Kunatha the Hunter-threatened-by-woman-devourin-monster. Not changed much."

      "Huh?" Ray and Urushkidan pushed themselves over beside her. "By gosh," said the Earthling, "it does look like Virgo, I think, or one of 'em. Dyann, I love you to pieces."

      "Let's get home qvick, then," she beamed. "I vant to be on a planet." During the outward flight she had been somewhat discomforted by discovering the erotic importance of gravity.

      "You steer us home?" screeched Urushkidan. "How in Nebukadashatbu do you know te stars?"

      "I had to learn them," she said. "Every noble on Varann has to know—vat you call it?—astroloyee. How else could ve plan our battles visely?"

      "Astrology?" screamed the Martian. "You are an—an—astrologer?"

      "Vy, of course. I thought you vere too, but it seems like you Solarians are more backvard than I supposed. Shall I cast your horoscope?"

      "Astrology," groaned Urushkidan. He looked ill.

      "Well," said Ray helplessly, "I guess it's up to you to pilot us back, Dyann."

      "Vy, sure." She jumped into the pilot seat. "Anchors aveigh."

      "Brought home by an astrologer," groaned Urushkidan. "Te ignominy of it all."

      * * * * *

      Ray started the new engine. They could accelerate all the way back and use the brake to stop almost instantly—it shouldn't take long. "All set," he called, and the rising note of power thrummed behind his words.

      "Giddap!" yelled Dyann. She swung the ship around and slammed the main drive switch home.

      Ray looked out at the weirdly distorted heavens. "There should be some way to compensate for that aberration," he murmured. "A viewplate using photocells, with the electron beam control-fields hooked into the drive circuit—sure. Simple." He floated back to the lab and began assembling scattered apparatus. In a few hours he emerged with a gadget as uncouth as the engine itself but there was a set of three telescreens which gave clear views in three directions. Dyann smiled and pointed to one of them. "See, now Avalla—the Victorious-warrior-returnin-from-battle-vith-captive-man-slung-across-her-saddle-bow—is taking shape," she said.

      "That," said Ray, "is Ursa Major. You Varannians have a fantastic imagination."

      A blue-white giant of a sun flamed ahead, prominences seething millions of miles into space. Dyann's eyes sparkled and she applied a sideways

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