Maria's Window. Karen Tatro

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Maria's Window - Karen Tatro

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finally, feeling a little silly, spoke up.

      “Hi, may I help you?”

      “Aw, yeh, I was just passing through and was wondering if there was time for a haircut.” He said as he slowly walked toward her.

      Maria thought she was going to have a heart attack, right there, this man’s eyes were unbelievable. She just stood starring at him.

      “I’m sorry,” she said as she fumbled to regroup, “Let me see. Well, I have time right now if you would like. Is that okay with you, or were you looking for a certain time?”

      “Now is just great.” He concluded, as he took off his black coat and looked for a place to hang it. He had a pair of Levi jeans on, and a black tee-shirt. Maria could not help but scan her eyes over his entire body, as he turned around, she quickly brought her eyes up, unfortunately, a little too late. He caught her eyes and smiled. Holly Shit, she thought. I am going to totally mess this guy’s haircut, up if I don’t get myself together.

      “Okay, my name is Maria, and my station is over here.” She led him to her station, which was the last station in the shop. She chose that one, as it was the most private and often, the first few stations got the majority of interruptions, with clients and walk-ins or sales representatives. Since Maria was the owner, and the busiest stylist, it helped that she did not get interrupted all day long.

      She sat him down and started to drape the cape over him and run her fingers threw his hair to assess it. He smelled nice and clean, just a hint of cologne, something exceptionally clean and refreshing, with a slight hint of citrus. He seemed to fidget a little, like he was uncomfortable.

      “Wow, I am sorry. I have not had my hair cut in a while. I am not use to someone touching my hair like that.” he responded.

      Maria was massaging his head and not even realizing what she was doing. His hair was dark and thick with a slight wave to it. It was clean cut, a very overgrown, James Dean look. He was gelling it up the best he could.

      “I’m sorry, I guess I should explain that I give a short scalp massage with all my haircuts, I find it relaxes people and it just feels good. It also gives me an idea of what your hair is like and how it moves,” she explained, “I guess I should have told you that, hah, before I just started running my hands through your hair.”

      “Wow, hey not problem, it feels good. No one has ever done that before.” He starred back at her, and she could feel the mutual intensity of arousal.

      Okay, Maria needed to get it together here. Wow, what was this power this guy had over her. She has met handsome men before, had men flirt with her, but this was different.

      “What would you like me to do? I like the style you have going on right now. Do you want me to clean it up a little and take some length off? But I kind of like the James Dean look on you. And to be honest, you have the most incredible eyes, I’ve ever seen, it would enhance them, not that they need any enhancing but, well, you know what I mean.” she stumbled.

      “That is fine. I am heading out for a long ocean expedition, so I will not have it cut for a long time, again. I don’t like it really short though, whatever you think is fine with me.” he answered her and smiled at her, and then added,

      “By the way, my name is Seth.”

      “That helps, hah? Okay Seth, let us get started then.”

      Maria led him to the shampoo room and the rest of the haircut went well. They were alone in the shop. Everyone was off for a few hours, either having lunch or running errands. They talked about all kinds of things, but mainly his vast expeditions, sometimes for pleasure and some for research and they talked about where he was heading next. The whole time, Maria had to keep herself in check. She felt like if she was at any time, she was going to spin him around and kiss him; right there and then. What was odd; she felt like he would not have minded one bit. He did not make any indication that he was married or with someone. She was making this hair cut last far longer than it needed to be. She felt like when she was done, he would walk out that door and that would be it, she would never see him again. Did she want that? “Stall, Maria, Stall” she thought to herself.

      After the cut was over, he went to the counter and paid her for the cut. He put his jacket on and stood there starring at her, with his piercing, blue eyes. He reached in from his pocket and pulled out a business card, and placed in in her hand, delicately and secretly, and smiled at her and walked out the salon.

      Maria stood there, heart pounding, afraid to move. “Oh my god,” she said out loud to herself, “That was the most unbelievably, handsome guy she had ever seen.”

      She pulled out the card and smelled it first as it had his scent. And smiled, as she read what he had written on the back.

      “Consider joining me? Call me at my cell 555-2139,” Seth.

      Just then as Maria looked up, Kathy was strolling through the door, bringing Maria back from reminiscing and she put her list down. She remembered that day, like it was yesterday.

      “Hey, Maria, I have to come in and fix Debbie’s hair. Is she here yet?” Kathy asked as she rushed to her station.

      “No, she’s not. What happened?” Maria asked.

      “Well, I didn’t do the highlights light enough. I tried to get them as light as possible, with the high-lift color, but it was not enough, I guess. So, I told her I’d meet her here today.”

      “That’s a bummer. A word of advice, I know you know this anyway, but once you start coming in during your off time; they will just get comfortable asking you to.”

      Maria filled Kathy in, while she was scrabbling to get her stuff ready.

      “How cool is that. I am so happy for you.” Kathy replied with a smile.

      Kathy was the easiest to get along with in the shop. She totally tended to herself, was quite easy going and really had no expectations of anything. She did her job, did not unload her issues on anyone, always came in with a smile and kept all of us laughing with her simplicity. She was like a little kid at times and did not even realize it.

      As soon as, Kathy was in the back, Debbie came strolling in. And sat in the waiting area, along with Ann’s client and Tammy’s. Most of the clients knew each other in one way or another, so they mingled amongst themselves for a few moments, until the stylists came to get them.

      The day started and all was going along fine, you could hear the hum of blow-dryers, and chit-chat. What people did last night, who was having marital issues, who was having problems with in-laws, and the funny things children say and do.

      Maria was continuing to make her calls, which was going well, when another drama unfolded.

      “Kathy, Kathy, I think this is getting a little hot.” Debbie was yelling out from under the heated dryer in the shampoo room.

      Kathy was out back having a cigarette, the only one that smoked in the bunch.

      “Kathy, this is really getting hot.” She said again.

      Maria finished her phone call and glanced towards the shampoo room to see if Kathy had come in.

      Kathy had, and from the position of the front desk, you could see the two of them in the shampoo

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