Maria's Window. Karen Tatro

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Maria's Window - Karen Tatro

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dryer off and getting her in the shampoo bowl.

      By now, Maria got up and went into the room to see what was going on and found a small odor of burnt hair coming from the room. Kathy had her already in the shampoo bowl and was quickly talking, totally diverting the situation.

      “It’s okay, Debbie, the bleach had gotten on the dryer and was burning. You were done anyway.”

      Kathy glared at Maria, as she walked in. It was not the bleach, but Debbie’s hair that was smoking under the dryer. Kathy had left her under too long. Maria went in the back to do the, “oh my Gods”. Kathy just trimmed her hair a little more than usual and Debbie never knew otherwise.

      And that was the salon saga for the morning. Maria sat there in the back thinking, “can she really leave these guys for a few months”.

      Maria finished her calls for the day and got her stuff together and finalized some stuff for Sarah and decided to head out.

      She drove to the marina to see if Sam was there. Which he was. She boarded The Pretty Lady and there was Sam standing at the wheel, looking out at the open water, lost in thought.

      She came up behind him and gave him a nice big hug.

      “Hey, sexy. What are you doing?” Sam responded.

      “Just coming over to see how all is going. I have everything pretty set at the shop. Not too sure about leaving them this long. Ann will piss them all off and Kathy will forget to turn her curling iron off. You know, the daily occurrences at the beauty parlor.”

      Sam just smirked as he spun around and gave her a big kiss.

      “Well, just think, doll, in a few days we will be setting sail, and on vacation with all the time in the world.”

      Sam knew just what to say. He kissed her deeply and let his hand wander down to the small of her back.

      “What do you say, let’s go break The Pretty Lady in.” He said as he led her inside and down to the bedroom.

      The two went into the safari room and Sam put on some Barry White. For some reason when he was in a romantic mood, Barry White fit the bill.

      He held her hand and led her to the bed, where he started to kiss her, softly and with no rush. He stroked her hair and face while he kissed her, slowly sliding his tongue over her lips. He then worked his way down to her neck and shoulders. His kisses were gentle at first and then becoming more intense, gently biting her subtle skin. Maria loved to bite, she did not do it to hurt, just a little bit was fine. She always had this thing for Vampires and that was something she just found to be so sensual. The idea of Dracula swooping into your bedroom, in the middle of the night, with the curtains flowing in the hot weather and having him totally overtake you with ultimate animal desire. The kind of desire that you could not fight, no matter how hard you tried.

      When Maria would just sink her teeth into Sam’s flesh, and he to hers, not to break the skin, just to gently bite; it fulfilled this hidden desire. This would turn her on right away, especially when he would nibble on the back of her neck. Oh, that would send shivers down her spine.

      Sam was now licking her nipples and it was not exceedingly long before he removed her pants and slowly entered her without any hesitation. Sam had this way of knowing when to just take it slow and when she wanted to be fondled and stroked and aroused beyond belief, and he also knew when she wanted to be aroused and then get to business.

      They made passionate love and then cuddled in the covers, both enjoying the after math of their lovemaking and now taking a few minutes, to nap. When they woke, Maria dressed and told Sam she would see him tomorrow.

      Sam putted around the boat for a bit. He straightened things up and poured himself a small snifter of brandy, which he had already stocked in the little bar, full of all his treats. He took his glass and went up to the deck and enjoyed a few moments, admiring his new toy. He was excited to be doing this with Maria.

      This trip was different, from any of the rest. He was always calling Maria and inviting her on a vacation, a weekend get-away here and there, and she always was excited and had a good time, but this time she made the call, she called him and asked him if they could go on this trip and she was willing to spend some real time with her. Maria seemed to have a distance with him. There was this uncertainty that he wondered. Did she really love him or not? Shortly after doing his hair, they became great friends. Sam thought she was the sweetest girl he had ever met. She was not only beautiful, but she was a sweetheart, not a mean bone in her body. She worked hard, making people happy, tending to their needs, both physically and emotionally. She was easy to get along with and had a funny wit about her. What he liked the most was the fact that she was always so positive. She always had a smile on her face and looked at adversity with a positive view.

      Sam talked to Maria about many things in his life. He shared his feelings about his childhood. She was not a judgmental person and had the ability to listen and give advice, but never in a way that seemed like dictating. She had this way of listening to him and talking to him, like she had been there, in his life, the whole time.

      He did not have the greatest love for his father, and it tormented him deeply. When his father died, Sam was happy and torn. For once he was now able to be who he wanted to be. He wanted to be an artist, in the worst way. He had talent and the desire, but his father would catch him drawing, in his sketch book, and he’d get on him, “what the hell kind of profession is that, put that away.”

      So, Sam would keep his drawings to himself and instead focus on what his father wanted him to do, which was to run his business with him. Sam had no interest in fishing. He loved the water and the ocean always made him feel the most at ease, but it was not the fishing that interested him, it was the scenery and the love of the ocean.

      On the outside, he was strong, and, on the inside, he always felt not worthy. He never felt good enough for his dad. His dad never complimented him, never told him he loved him, never showed him affection or attention. He was a very cold man. And for Sam, the best way to counteract that, was to go the other way. Try to be as cheerful as possible, spend the money and gamble and drink and have fun. And that is what he did for an awfully long time.

      When Sam was with Maria, whether getting his hair cut or spending time with her, he was able to relax and just be himself. He always felt like he was at ease, like he had just let out a deep breath.

      So, this trip for him was just sweet. He had thoughts that he would buy a ring and maybe he would pop the question. He wanted to, but was not sure if she would, he wanted to make sure she was going to say yes.

      So, with that in mind he drank the last sip of brandy and headed off “The Pretty Lady” and straight to the jewelers just to check things out. Maybe he should get one just in case the timing was right.

      The next day, Maria called Sam from the shop.

      “Hey Sam, I am all ready to go for this Friday if you’d like. I have got everything set here. How is Sumshi doing on his end. Does he have all that he needs?” She was so excited; he could hear it in her voice.

      “Hey, doll. I think he is ready to go. I will give him a yell and see what he says. I basically have my stuff all ready. Did you pack that black bikini? Hey, do you want to do some shopping before we go?” Sam said, teasing her,

      “I can think of some things to buy you.” he concluded

      “Yes, I didn’t forget. You perv. Is that all you think of?”


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