The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(125.6), 12:8.10 (140.6), 41:5.6 (461.2), 41:9.2 (465.2), 42:2.12 (470.3)Paradise gravity’s relation to computation of, 12:3.8 (132.2)primal physical forces not responsive to, 12:6.5 (136.3)-responding units of organized matter, energy manifestations of, 16:4.12 (190.6)response, definition, 42:11.5 (482.3)by emergent energy, in superuniverse domains, 32:1.1 (357.5)spirituality in time and space measured inversely to, 42:11.4 (482.2)response to, varying, of universe power, 29:2.15 (321.7)time of becoming fully operative, 42:6.2 (476.4)Linenbandages, carrying of new, by the women to Jesus’ tomb, 189:4.3 (2025.4)Lazarus wrapped in, 168:2.1 (1845.7)coat, John Mark’s escape by freeing himself from the, 183:3.9 (1975.2)garbing himself in a, 182:0.1 (1963.1)sheet, Jesus’ body still wrapped in a, after his morontia resurrection, 189:1.2 (2021.1)location of, when found by Mary, 189:4.6 (2025.7)throwing of, over the cliff, by the captain of the temple guards, 190:1.2 (2030.1)wrapping of Jesus’ body in a, for burial, 188:1.3 (2013.2)Linguist(s)Jesus’ ability as a, 134:1.6 (1484.3)of the realms, identity of, 48:3.12 (546.5)Linguisticdevelopment, need of, at present time, 81:6.16 (908.5)Lion(s)African, time of arrival of, in Europe, 64:4.7 (721.5)worship of the, by one tribe of Egyptians, 95:2.3 (1044.2)ListenerJesus a charming, 171:7.5 (1874.8)sympathetic and understanding, 132:4.2 (1460.6)Literalinterpretation of Jesus’ teachings, the apostles’ insistence on, 140:6.8 (1577.2), 140:10.4 (1585.2)LiteratureChristianity and, 195:0.3 (2069.3)the first, 69:4.6 (775.6)modern, foundations of, laid in second garden, 76:3.8 (850.4)Western world’s appreciation of, 195:0.2 (2069.2)on worlds in light and life, 55:5.6 (630.3)Littlechild(ren), attitude of, and Jesus’ concept of faith, 94:6.5 (1033.8)faith of, a requisite for admission to the kingdom, 137:8.8 (1536.5), 140:10.4 (1585.2), 196:0.12 (2089.2)introduction of, to public worship, desirable environments for, 167:6.6 (1840.5)Jesus’ blessing of the, 167:6.0 (1839.6–1840.5)calling his apostles, 138:7.1 (1543.4), 180:4.5 (1949.1), 181:2.19 (1959.3)fraternization with, 100:7.17 (1103.5)love for, 195:5.11 (2076.2)ministry to the needs of, 171:7.8 (1875.3)reference to, in teaching, 149:6.11 (1676.5), 159:5.17 (1771.1)statement that the gospel belongs even to, 191:6.2 (2044.3)willingness to learn from, 126:2.3 (1388.3)John’s addressing believers as, in his later years as bishop, 139:4.6 (1554.4)receiving of kingdom as by a, 144:4.3 (1621.2), 167:6.1 (1839.6), 170:2.21 (1861.3), 175:1.6 (1906.3), 181:2.20 (1960.1)start out afresh as, apostles’ need to, in building the new gospel teaching, 140:6.2 (1576.2)men’s ability to, and Jesus’ desire to set them free, 140:8.26 (1582.7)trust of, for an earthly parent, and Jesus’ trust in his Father, 100:7.7 (1102.4)one(s), the apostles, Jesus’ prayer to the Father for, 137:6.6 (1533.4)attention paid by Jesus to the, 128:6.12 (1416.5)blessing of, by Jesus, seeking of, by their mothers, 167:6.1 (1839.6)brethren in the flesh, seriousness of causing one to stumble, 158:8.1 (1761.2)the Father’s children, not his will that one should go astray, 159:1.2 (1762.4)result of becoming as a, 158:8.1 (1761.2)of receiving a, 158:8.1 (1761.2)spiritual simplicity of a, the attitude to acquire, 155:6.12 (1732.5)teaching of Jesus not to despise a, 113:1.1 (1241.3), 158:8.1 (1761.2)things, faithfulness in, significance, 171:8.11 (1876.8)Jesus’ fondness of doing, for all sorts of people, 132:4.4 (1461.2)Philip’s ability to do, in a big way, 139:5.4 (1556.4)while, Jesus’ being in the world only a, 162:2.7 (1792.1), 164:3.7 (1812.1), 174:5.13 (1904.4), 180:4.5 (1949.1), 180:6.5 (1952.1), 180:6.7 (1952.3)promise to return for a, 181:0.1 (1953.1), 181:1.5 (1954.2), 181:2.27 (1962.1)LittlenessJesus’ attitude toward, 139:10.8 (1564.2)Livelihoodinstruction of Jesus in diverse means of gaining a, 124:2.9 (1369.5)vocation, vs. cultural familiarity with life, 149:4.6 (1674.2)LiviasJesus’ and his followers’ encampment at, 171:4.1 (1871.3)Livingbeings, two basic classifications of, 30:0.1 (330.1)Buddhas, perpetuation of the myth about, 94:11.3 (1039.2)cells and organisms, craving of, for perfection, 65:6.2 (737.2)creatures of the realm, paramount question in cosmic advancement of, 28:6.2 (314.1)semimaterial, the most mysterious of, 29:4.25 (327.1)efficient, attainment of, 2:7.11 (43.4)epistles, custodians of knowledge the, 27:5.1 (301.6)faith, attempting to contact the Thought Adjuster with, 100:5.7 (1099.5)Jesus’ purpose to foster, 153:2.6 (1710.4)forces, 36:6.0 (403.6–404.5)the heavenly life while on earth, Jesus’ words to Taoist on, 130:2.2 (1429.4)the human life religiously and by faith, Jesus’ purpose, 196:0.14 (2090.1)ladder, from chaos to glory, 9:8.25 (107.13)libraries, 25:4.15 (280.3), 25:5.1 (281.2), 26:3.5 (288.5), 27:5.1 (301.6), 27:5.5 (302.4), 28:5.7 (310.9), 37:8.7 (414.2)matter, technique of creating, 36:3.3 (399.5)mechanism(s), of energy concentrations, liaison of power centers with, 29:3.7 (323.5)frandalanks as, 29:4.38 (328.7)grand universe as a, 118:9.4 (1303.5)intelligent, existence of in grand universe, 29:4.38 (328.7)mortal man as a, 118:8.2 (1301.7)of the physical body, continuation of, without the volitional mind, 112:3.3 (1230.1)mirrors, advantages of, in economy of superuniverses, 28:4.1 (307.5), 28:5.11 (311.3), 28:7.4 (318.2)newspapers of Havona, source and extent of information of, 26:3.8 (289.1)organisms, impossibility of production of, by man, 36:6.1 (403.6)presence, God a, vs. God a doctrine, 194:4.2 (2066.2)reality, God in the life of Jesus of Nazareth a, 196:0.3 (2087.3)rule of, 147:4.0 (1650.2–1651.4)supreme experience of, definition, 130:2.6 (1431.1)truth, clear light of, apostles and the, 140:3.18 (1571.5)dynamic, 180:5.2 (1949.4)teaches truth seekers when embraced in wholeness, 195:5.2 (2075.5)the two fundamental laws of, 142:7.4 (1603.5)water, I am the, 182:1.11 (1965.5)Jesus the giver of, 162:6.1 (1795.5), 162:6.2 (1795.6)Nalda’s inquiry of Jesus concerning source of, 143:5.2 (1612.5)way, of attainment of the Father, 7:7.4 (89.3), 147:5.8 (1653.2), 196:2.4 (2092.2)Lobstersof early marine life, 59:1.18 (674.4), 60:2.9 (688.1)Localaccelerators of energy circulation, suns as, 15:6.9 (172.11)affairs of inhabited worlds, rulership of System Sovereigns in, 35:9.5 (393.5)astronomical catastrophes of space, nonconcern of power centers with, 29:2.16 (321.8)character of worship rituals of Hellenic Greeks, 98:6.1 (1083.1)creations, affairs of, Thought Adjusters not concerned with, 32:4.6 (363.4)Paradise Creator Sons only personal manifestation of God in the, 1:5.5 (28.2)in its effects, sin never purely, 67:7.4 (761.3)governments, character of, in the continental nation, 72:7.1 (815.1)handling of local affairs by, 134:6.8 (1491.2)and national, proper adjustment between, a level of statehood evolution, 71:8.8 (807.4)importance, events of, recorded only locally, 25:5.3 (281.4)gravity, emergent energy unresponsive to, 0:6.6 (9.8)field of operation of, 11:8.3 (125.6)time of becoming fully operative, 42:6.2 (476.4)ultimatons not subject to, 41:9.2 (465.2)varying response of electronic organization of universe power to, 29:2.15 (321.7)habits of races of mankind, study by seraphim of, 39:0.11 (426.11)management of affairs of Jerusem, participation of Material Sons in, 45:5.5 (515.4)triangles the location of, 46:8.1 (528.7)phenomena, glaciers as, 61:5.8 (700.1)planetary council of supreme morontia authority, composition and function of, 48:2.18 (544.1)planets, operation of transport personalities from, 39:5.10 (438.3)plans and procedures of the Infinite Spirit and associated personalities, in harmony with First Source and Center’s laws, 2:7.3 (42.4)registrants in the Melchizedek colleges, an immense group, 35:3.22 (388.9)self-government, role of clans in, 70:4.10 (788.12)-interests, a factor contributing to national disintegration, 81:6.35 (910.8)space, origin of our solar system in, 57:5.3 (655.8)speed of traversal of, by Supreme Power Centers, 29:4.1 (324.3)spiritual circuits, severance of, by a Planetary Prince’s rebellion, 35:9.9 (394.1)time of Havona worlds, determined by circuits, 14:1.11 (153.2)value of space respiration as a time source, its totality’s destruction of, 12:5.1 (134.6)Local-System(s)administration, about, 45:0.0 (509.1–518.5)by local universe personalities, 33:5.4 (371.2), 39:4.1 (434.1)administrators, execution of constellation decrees and enactments by, 43:2.1 (487.3)Assigned Sentinels’ field of operations, 24:0.10 (264.10), 24:4.3 (268.7), 24:5.2 (269.1), 37:8.5 (413.8), 55:10.3 (634.3)function in, 24:5.3 (269.2)associate power director inspectors on headquarters of the, 29:4.17 (325.10)capital and headquarters worlds of, ascenders’ review of experiences on, 35:3.16 (388.3)capitals, home worlds of Material Sons, 40:2.1 (444.1), 45:5.4 (515.3), 51:1.6 (581.3)citizens of, 40:2.2 (444.2)a definition, 49:0.2 (559.2)functions of material sonship in, 40:2.2 (444.2)headquarters, about, 46:0.0 (519.1–529.4)awakening of less perfected secondary modified orders on the, 49:6.16 (570.5)worlds of, number of, 45:0.1 (509.1)headquarters planets, time involved in construction of, 57:3.8 (654.1)inhabited planets in, 30:4.16 (341.6)worlds in a, 49:0.2 (559.2)Lanonandek Son, primary, chief executive of a, 45:2.1 (511.1)Lucifer’s contention for autonomy of,

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