A Voyage to Terra Australis. Matthew Flinders

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A Voyage to Terra Australis - Matthew Flinders

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during the survey, such plants, trees, shrubs, etc., as they may think suitable for the Royal Gardens at Kew; and you are, as often as you return to Sydney Cove, to cause the said plants to be deposited in the governor's garden and under his charge, there to remain until you sail for Europe: And so soon as you shall be preparing to return home, you are to cause the small plant cabin to be removed from the sloop's quarter deck, and the one brought out by the Porpoise (which is something larger), to be placed there in its stead. In this last mentioned cabin the naturalist and gardener are to place the plants, trees, shrubs, etc., which may have been collected during the survey, in order to their being brought home for His Majesty; and you are, so soon as the sloop shall arrive at any port in England, to give notice of her arrival to His Majesty's botanic gardener at Kew, and to transmit to him a list and state of the said plants etc., which the gardener employed under your orders is to furnish you with for that purpose.

      Given under our hands the 22nd of June, 1801.


      ST. VINCENT.


      J. MARKHAM.


      Commander of His Majesty's sloop

      Investigator, at Spithead.

      By command of their Lordships,



      The instructions were accompanied with the extract of a memoir from Mr. Dalrymple, respecting the winds and weather to be expected, principally upon the south coast of Terra Australis. Also with the following PASSPORT from the French government.

      LE PREMIER CONSUL DE LA RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE, sur le compte qui lui a été rendu de la demande faite par le LORD HAWKESBURY au Citoyen Otto, commissaire du gouvernement Français à Londres, d'un Passeport pour la corvette Investigator, dont le signalement est ci-après, expédiée par be gouvernement Anglais, sous le commandement du capitaine Matthew Flinders, pour un voyage de découvertes dans la Mer Pacifique, ayant décidé que ce passeport seroit accordé, et que cette expédition, dont l'objet est d'étendre les connoissances humaines, et d'assurer davantage les progrès de la science nautique et de la géographie, trouveroit de la part du gouvernement Français la sureté et la protection nécessaires.

      LE MINISTRE DE LA MARINE ET DES COLONIES ordonne en conséquence à tous les commandants des bâtiments de guerre de la République, à ses agens dans toutes les colonies Françaises, aux commandants des bâtiments porteurs do lettres de marque, et à tous a autres qu'il appartiendra, de laisser passer librement et sans empêchement, ladite corvette Investigator, ses officiers, équipage, et effets, pendant la durée de leur voyage; de leur permettre d'aborder dans les différents ports de la République, tant in Europe que dans les autres parties du monde, soit qu'ils soient forcés par le mauvais tems d'y chercher un refuge, soit qu'ils viennent y reclamer les secours et les moyens de reparation nécessaires pour continuer leur voyage. Il est bien entendu, cependant, qu'ils ne trouveront ainsi protection et assistance, que dans le cas ou ils ne se seront pas volontairement détournés de la route qu'ils doivent suivre, qu'ils n'auront commis, ou qu'ils n'annonceront l'intention de commettre aucune hostilité contre la République Française et ses alliés, qu'ils n'auront procuré, ou cherché à procurer aucun secours à ses ennemis, et qu'ils ne s'occuperont d'aucune espéce de commerce, ni de contrebande.

      Fait à Paris le quatre Prairial an neuf de la République Française.

      Le Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies

      (signed) FORFAIT.

      Par le Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies


      CHes. M. JURIEN.

      Signalement de la corvette.

      La corvette l'Investigator est du port de 334 tonneaux. Son équipage est composé de 83 hommes, outre cinq hommes de lettres.

      Son artillerie est de 6 carronades de 12.

      2 ditto de 18.

      2 canons de 6.

      2 pierriers.

      Le soussigné, commissaire du gouvernement Français à Londres, certifie le signalement ci-dessus conforme à la note qui lui a été communiquée par le ministre de Sa Majesté Britannique.

      Londres le 4 Messidor an 9.

      (Signed) OTTO.

      In consequence of this passport, I received directions from the Admiralty "to act in all respects towards French ships as if the two countries were not at war; and," it was added, "with respect to the ships and vessels of other powers with which this country is at war, you are to avoid, if possible, having any communication with them; and not to take letters or packets other than such as you may receive from this office, or the office of His Majesty's secretary of state."

      From His Grace the duke of Portland, I carried an order to the governor of New South Wales to place the brig Lady Nelson under my command, on arriving at Port Jackson; and also one from the Admiralty, directing the governor, in his quality of senior naval officer, not to take the Investigator from the purposes of the voyage; but to assist me with all the means in his power to put them into execution.

      So soon as my sailing orders were received, demands were sent on shore for provisions to replace what had been consumed at Spithead; and they came on board next morning, when the ship was unmoored. We were able to stow a proportion of provisions for twelve months, bread excepted, of which only seven months could be taken, including a part in flour. Of salt meat I took for eighteen months, knowing that little reliance could be had upon the colony in New South Wales for that article; and further to guard against any detriment to the voyage from a want of provisions, I left an application to the Admiralty for a general supply, for twelve months; to be sent after me, and lodged in the store houses at Port Jackson for our sole use.

      Of the various extra provisions usually furnished as preservatives of health to the crews of His Majesty's ships going upon similar service, our supply was abundant; and the surgeon was as liberally furnished with antiscorbutic medicines.

      The complement of the Xenophon had been seventy-five men; but on the name and destination of the ship being changed, the following establishment was ordered. The names of the officers are added to the list, and also of the men of science who took part in the expedition.

      Astronomer, 1 John Crosley.

      Naturalist, 1 Robert Brown.

      Natural-history painter, 1 Ferdinand Bauer.

      Landscape painter, 1 William Westall.

      Their servants, 4

      Gardener, 1 Peter Good.

      Miner, 1 John Allen.


      Supernumeraries 10

      Commander, 1 Matthew Flinders.

      Lieutenants, 2 Robert Fowler.

      Samuel W. Flinders.

      Master, 1 John

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