Факт и вымысел в журналистике Марка Твена. Татьяна Юрьевна Мохова

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Факт и вымысел в журналистике Марка Твена - Татьяна Юрьевна Мохова

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Марка Твена и национальный характер американской литературы. М.: Изд. «ВК», 2004.


      Гиленсон Б. А. Марк Твен: судьба «короля смеха»: монография. – М.: ИНФРА-М, 2016.


      Журбина Е. И. Теория и практика художественно-публицистических жанров. – М.: Мысль, 1969; Тертычный А. А. Жанры периодической печати. – М.: Аспект Пресс, 2000; Основы творческой деятельности журналиста / Ред. – сост. С. Г. Корконосенко. СПб.: Знание, СПбИВЭСЭП, 2000; Власова Е. Г. Основы творческой деятельности журналиста: художественно-публицистические жанры. Пермь: Ред. – изд. отд. Перм. гос. ун-та, 2010.


      California digital newspaper collection. A Freely Accessible Repository of Digitized California Newspapers from 1846 to the Present: [сайт]. URL:

      Мы обращаемся к номеру от 30 декабря 1869 года.


      «For several years, Hart entertained readers by printing the lies supposedly told by the fictitious club members. Hart’s stories were reprinted throughout the country and in Germany». Literary Nevada. Writing from the silver state / Ed. by Cheryll Glotfelty.Reno & Las Vegas: University of Nevada Press, 2008. P. 139.


      Власова Е. Г. Основы творческой деятельности журналиста: художественно-публицистические жанры: учеб. пособие. Пермь: Ред. – изд. отд. Перм. гос. ун-та, 2010. С.8.


      Dennis E. Rivers W. Other Voices: The New Journalism in America. San Francisco: Canfield press, 1974; Flippen C. Liberating the Media: The New Journalism. Washington: Acropolis books, 1974; Hollowell J. Fact and Fiction: The New Journalism and the Nonfiction Novel. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1977; Weber R. The Literature of Fact: Literary Nonfiction in American Writing. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1980; Fishkin S. From fact to fiction: Journalism and imaginative writing in America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press edition, 1985; Connery T. A Sourcebook of American Literary Journalism: Representative Writers in an Emerging Genre. New York.: Greenwood Press, 1992: Applegate E. Literary Journalism: A Biographical Dictionary of Writers and Editors.Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996.


      «…Literary journalism can briefly be defined as nonfiction printed prose whose verifiable content is shaped and transformed into a story or sketch by use of narrative and rhetorical techniques generally associated with fiction». Connery B. Thomas. Preface / A Sourcebook of American Literary Journalism: Representative Writers in an Emerging Genre. New York: Greenwood Press, 1992. P.XIV.




      «Finding the article too severe for the magazines, Twain gave it to the Congo Reform Association, who printed it as a pamphlet in 1905». Leavell F. Belgian Congo // The Routledge Encyclopedia of Mark Twain / Ed. By J. R. LeMaster, J. D. Wilson. New York: Routledge, 2011. P. 68.


      Балдицын П. В. Политический памфлет Марка Твена // Марк Твен и его роль в развитии американской реалистической литературы / Отв. ред. Я. Н. Засурский. М.: Наука, 1987. С. 90.


      «The feuilleton enjoyed an ambiguous status at best». Brake L. Demoor M. Dictionary of Nineteenth-century Journalism in Great Britain and Ireland. London: Academia press and the British library, 2009.P. 217.


      «The term increasingly came to be used loosely in Britain to describe a literary squib Feuilleton was frequently disparaged by the serious press for its superficiality». Ibid.


      Старцев А. И. Марк Твен и Америка / Предисловие к I тому Собр. соч. Марка Твена в 8 томах. М.: Правда, 1980. С. 2.


      Мендельсон М. О. Рассказы, очерки, публицистика (статья) / Собр. соч. Марка Твена: в 12 т. М.: Госуд. изд. худ. лит, 1959–1961. – Т.10. – 1960. С. 698.


      Балдицын П. В. Творчество Марка Твена и национальный характер американской литературы. М.: Издательство «ВК», 2004. С.206.


      «…the premier newspaper of the mining camps of Nevada and much of California». Nelson J. Mark Twain / Connery T. B. A Sourcebook of American Literary Journalism: Representative Writers in an Emerging Genre. New York: Greenwood Press, 1992. P. 42.


      «The Territorial Enterprise was easily the liveliest, if not exactly the most reliable newspaper on the American continent». Powers R. Mark Twain. A life.New York, London, Toronto, Sydney.: Free press, 2005. P. 117.




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