Enabling Healthcare 4.0 for Pandemics. Группа авторов

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Enabling Healthcare 4.0 for Pandemics - Группа авторов

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for prevention, early diagnosis and forecasting based on the use of DL and ML with the involvement of IoT technologies and AI requires a huge amount of quality data. The key word—Quality! In order for these technologies to be able to generate qualitative conclusions, they must learn from qualitative and sufficient examples. After all, bad results would be obtained while training models on non-representative data. Unfortunately, data sets of medical images and textual analysis are limited in comparison to the needs of in-depth training. Many of them are not digitized in real time, or contain errors. The key cause of the shortage of collected data is their usual incompatibility in different geographical regions, poor accessibility of the population to medical facilities in developing countries.

      HCS 4.0 techniques could offer disruptive innovations, mitigating the COVID-19 crisis. They are expected to grow, storing health-related data on COVID-19 to be used for similar pandemics. Such technologies could rapidly be applied by healthcare providers in managing COVID-19 or similar pandemics, hence making a smarter health system. However, upgrading the current software infrastructure and devices is required. Of course, the industry of trackers and smartphones with the latest applications can help in part. But in developing them, manufacturers must take into account elements like minimal expanses, constrained consumer resources, access for illiterate or disabled subject, and support for several languages to be effectively adopted in different areas. To overcome these limitations, we must apply analytical approach and critical thinking.

      Thanks to the active use of AI-based robotics, contactless drug delivery and remote treatment of patients has been made possible, reducing the need for medical personnel to contact infected people. AI can also predict the risk of serious COVID-19-related illnesses for people of all ages and take proactive measures to halt the virus transmitting to vulnerable groups. Thus, the analysis of the literature showed how AI, advanced mathematical modeling, ML, and cloud computing could expect the epidemic growth, and how the future state of global health depends on their coordinated and high-quality work.

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