The Parental Leave Playbook. Sue Campbell
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Reward 5: Gender Equity
Averaged across all races, women still make only 82 cents for every dollar men make.19 Of S&P 500 companies, only 6% have women CEOs.20 One of the biggest reasons that women have not yet achieved equity in the workplace is our cultural assumptions about who should be responsible for caregiving at home. Women are de facto caregivers and face bias, whether conscious or unconscious, that they are not as dedicated to their careers because of their current or possible future caregiving responsibilities. When men are empowered to be equal caregivers, not just through policy but through cultural messages, women will finally achieve full equity in the workplace and men will at home. I encourage all employers to offer gender-neutral parental leave and find ways to encourage all employees to take their full leave benefit. It may take time, but the more examples we have of men taking extended leaves to care for their children or other family members, the less we will punish women in terms of pay and opportunity for doing the same thing.
Reward 6: Inclusion of All Types of Families
Although we have made great (and long overdue) strides in this country to recognize and include all types of families, we have a long way to go. And though cisgender, heterosexual couples who have biological children represent the majority of family formations, it does no good to pretend that method of creating a family is somehow preferred or superior. Children, parents, and society as a whole will benefit when we recognize the value of all types of family compositions. No one benefits when certain parents or children feel marginalized. A future that welcomes all families is bright with the rich insights diversity brings.
You Are the Way Forward
If what you read in this chapter resonates with your own anxiety, I get it. I invite you to take a deep breath. You've got this. Reading this book means you are already ahead of the game. By learning the techniques in this playbook, you will have the tools and resilience you need to handle whatever comes your way. We cannot control the world or what life throws at us, but we can improve how we respond by deepening our emotional intelligence and practical skill set. Parenthood is the perfect opportunity to work on what you can control: your own knowledge, planning, communication, and attitude toward one of life's greatest adventures.
1 1. E. Scalia & W. W. Beach. (2020). National compensation survey: Employee benefits in the United States, March 2020. Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Department of Labor.
2 2. S. Brown, J. Herr, R. Roy, et al. (2020). Employee and worksite perspectives of the Family and Medical Leave Act: Executive summary for results from the 2018 surveys. United States Department of Labor.
3 3. Economic Policy Institute. (2020). The cost of child care in [insert state].
4 4. C. Ewing-Nelson & J. Tucker. (2021). A year into the pandemic, women are still short nearly 5.1 million jobs [Fact Sheet]. National Women's Law Center.
5 5. B. C. Tefft. (2016). Acute sleep deprivation and risk of motor vehicle crash involvement [Technical Report]. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.
6 6. Office of Advocacy. (2016). United States small business profile. US Small Business Administration.
7 7. D. G. Allen. (2008). Retaining talent: A guide to analyzing and managing employee turnover. Society for Human Resource Management.
8 8. Joint Economic Committee. (n.d.). The economic benefits of paid leave [Fact Sheet]. United States Congress.–4614-ada9-be5b1c3f445c/jec-fact-sheet—-economic-benefits-of-paid-leave.pdf
9 9. D. Patton, J. Costich, & N. Lidströmer. (2017). Paid parental leave policies and infant mortality rates in OECD countries: Policy implications for the United States. World Medical and Health Policy, 9(1), 6–23.
10 10. OECD. (2021). Infant mortality rates [Indicator].
11 11. Centers for Disease Control Prevention. (2020). Pregnancy mortality surveillance system. Department of Health and Human Services.,100%2C000%20live%20births%20in%202017