MCA Microsoft 365 Teams Administrator Study Guide. Ben Lee
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ISBN: 978-1-119-77334-4
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ISBN: 978-1-119-77339-9 (ebk.)
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This book is dedicated to my family with thanks for their love and support: Jen, Jessica, and Daniel.
And to my parents: Arthur and Sue.
In my career I have been very fortunate to work with some great individuals who have shaped me into the person and IT Professional I am today (so if I ever get to write another book, I promise this will be a smaller list!):
Thank you first to my brother, Jon Lee, for helping me get my first work experience in a technical role, then to David Drylie, Chris McKenna, and Alistair Wilson for giving me such a great start to my professional career when I got my first full-time proper IT job. I learned a lot in those early days, and not just how to deal with dot matrix and Phaser solid ink printers! A huge thank you to Michael Dawson for showing me how important it is to care for the end-user experience when deploying any systems. Thank you to everyone at Waterstons, where I learned how to become a consultant and to treat customers the right way, as well as making some great friends, including Shahid Ali, James Alderson, Nat Hazlett, and Kate Thomson. Thank you to those at Modality Systems for creating and cultivating an amazing environment back then, where I was always surrounded by very clever people—especially to Rick Eveleigh, Graham Cropley, and Iain Smith. Special thanks to Jo Sims and Adrian Chatto for being the best project managers I have ever worked with and for teaching me that good PMs are worth their weight in gold! Then at my current role, thank you to all my consultant colleagues at LoopUp who have put up with me bouncing exam questions and ideas off them, I appreciate your feedback: Karl Smith, Jason Sloan, Tino Nguyen, Octavian Spuderca, and Leigh Henderson. Special thanks to Zach Bennett (you know what you did!).
Of course, the process of writing a book is not a simple one (as I've so recently learned!), so a big thank you to everyone at Wiley and beyond who have made this happen:
To Kenyon Brown for letting me loose with a keyboard, to Patrick Walsh for your guidance and assistance in shaping what this book has become (and I'm so sorry for all the deadline issues; this last year really didn't go to anyone's plan!), and to Jon Buhagiar for your technical reviews. There are a great many people behind the scenes at Wiley who have had input into this project and whom I do not know; to them I am also very grateful. Obviously, any issues and mistakes that remain are entirely mine!
Life is not all about work, so I must also thank my friends and family who have, over what has been a crazy 2020–21, helped keep the wheels on in day-to-day life:
So, thank you Team North (Nat, Tom, Kate, Fi, Mark, Scott, Ian, and Jen) and especially to Kate for being our pandemic-bubble-buddy friend!
Lastly, thank you to my family for being my family. Life hasn't been easy, but you have been with me through this whole thing and I hope we will get to have many more amazing (but less fraught) adventures together. I love you, Jen, Jessica, and Daniel.
About the Author
Ben Lee has spent most of his professional career working with Microsoft technologies and has passed more than 30 MCP exams (some as a charter member), and for the last 10+ years he has specialized in its Unified Communications and Collaboration stack. Since Teams entered the market, he has been helping organizations to understand how to deploy and adopt it successfully.
Ben has organized and helped many IT User Groups over the years and enjoys sharing knowledge and lessons learned through online platforms and speaking engagements, including with these UC-related groups:
UC Day/Evolve: