Making Sense of AI. Anthony Elliott

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Making Sense of AI - Anthony  Elliott

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Making Sense of AI

      The rise of AI has stirred massive global controversy. Not just in universities and think tanks, but across industries and business circles. For many, the very idea of AI generates alarm. The advance of AI represents a major threat to jobs, employment, enterprise and industrial manufacture, and stokes up anxieties that pervade many other areas of life too. The more powerful automated systems become, the more many people worry about the risk that artificial general intelligence might result someday in human annihilation or some other irreversible global nightmare. In this scenario, the rise of AI is potentially catastrophic. AI is equated here with an apocalyptic social future. Another response, albeit very different in perspective, views these technological breakthroughs more positively. This response concentrates on new possibilities, hopes – and dreams for a better world. On the face of things, AI is a breakthrough science, and thereby promises great opportunities for the reshaping of economies, societies and political choices today. In this scenario, the coming AI revolution foreshadows the opening of a new era, one which will radically transform people’s daily habits and the world in which they live. AI is a new driver of production and will generate new sources of economic growth, changing how work is done and dramatically increasing growth in businesses worldwide.

      The consequences of AI – what it is doing to our economies and societies, and its future possibilities – have to be systematically understood. Contrasting hypotheses, interpretations and theories of AI and its consequences cluster around two main lines of argumentation. The first of these I shall refer to as the position advanced by sceptics. The sceptics are today in a minority, and yet have significantly influenced public opinion and much policy thinking on AI and its ramifications. Simply put, sceptics say that claims of an AI revolution are overblown. For many of a sceptical persuasion, the spectre of AI is too often invoked to explain away complex institutional changes occurring throughout the world today. These are changes to do with the international economy, workplace change and geopolitics. The contrasting, second position is occupied by those I call transformationalists. The AI revolution, argue transformationalists, is creating a world of radical change. This is the dawn of a new era, one in which the intersecting forces of economy, society and politics shift in fundamentally new directions. From this perspective, AI powerfully disrupts traditional ways of doing things, ushering in new economic conditions, social divisions and political alignments.


      Other sceptics, writing about AI from a broader cultural or philosophical perspective rather than only about marketing or hype, have suggested that we live in an age of diminished intelligence. Our worries and anxieties, as Jaron Lanier notes in You Are Not a Gadget, reflect the spread of techno-futures which exclude the human.1 Technological culture, from social networks to complex algorithms, is viewed from this perspective as a complex of values and ideologies which imperil human intelligence and ways of life associated with humanism. The inflation of intelligence which is ‘artificial’ is thus part of the story of a post-humanist age, in which humanity threatens to disappear into the algorithmic bent of technology itself. At the core of this sceptical account there lies a conception of AI as absolute integration, the melding of man and machine. AI is taken to express the expanding scale of a technological culture which seeks to transcend the quotidian affairs of the human, the subjective or indeed the merely personal. AI manipulates reality for its own self-serving ends, and reality, in the brave new world of algorithmic culture, strips selfhood of any kind of interiority for its own self-interest.

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