Making Sense of AI. Anthony Elliott

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Making Sense of AI - Anthony  Elliott

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may be some spillover from AI breakthroughs that impact society, culture and everyday life – especially the globalizing forces of communication. Nonetheless, AI is primarily a technological process which principally impacts the economy in limited and partial ways.

      7 For many of a sceptical persuasion, traditional economic power is paramount and the actions of national societies are important too. Accordingly, the globalizing dimensions of AI are treated as contingent on these economic and national state factors.

      Central to this transformationalist perspective is an emphasis on the social relations impacted by AI. That is to say, the technologies associated with AI are understood to reshape not only institutions and organizations but also identities and intimacies. Another way of making this point is to say that the AI revolution is as much about entertainment as it is about the economy, as much about meaning and morality as it is about money and manufacturing. For lifestyle change is likely to be of key importance in the spheres of both professional and personal life when assessing the impacts of AI, or so argue transformationalists. As Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee write of these massive changes in The Second Machine Age: ‘Computers started diagnosing diseases, listening and speaking to us, and writing high-quality prose, while robots started scurrying around warehouses and driving cars with minimal or no guidance.’7 Brynjolfsson and McAfee capture well the idea that digital transformation is not only about the economy, industry and corporate life, but crucially also about sociality, everyday life and power. The advance of AI is, in a word, generative. The digital revolution creates different kinds of work and different sorts of skills and gives rise to different ways of living from those of even the very recent past.

      I view AI . . . as a good thing once we can get through the transition. People’s jobs will be more interesting because all the robotic repetitive stuff will be done by machines. Things that can be done remotely will be done remotely and that will allow us to do things where we actually have to be together. So, ultimately, I think it will be a very, very good thing.9

      Let us turn now to contrast two transformationalist interventions which centre upon the problem of work and employment. The first is Klaus Schwab’s The Fourth Industrial Revolution, issued by the World Economic Forum (of which Schwab is executive chairman). The second is Bernard Stiegler’s Automatic Society, volume 1 of which is subtitled The Future of Work. There is a telling feature about the writing of Klaus Schwab that several critics have noted, and which pertains to the underlying ardour of his transformationalist stance. Schwab makes it abundantly clear that the AI transformation in manufacturing and services is already well under way. The digital revolution, he contends, is producing ‘exponential disruptive change’, and this can be discerned in the prevalence of advanced robotics, machine learning, big data and supercomputers in business and organizational life today. The scope and scale of the digital revolution for Schwab – what he terms the ‘fourth industrial revolution’ – are ‘unlike anything humankind has experienced before’.11 Yet if Schwab’s transformationalism is clearly evident in this diagnosis of our times, his critique of the consequences of AI appears (at least on an initial reading) as scrupulously non-judgemental. Employment is a signal example. Schwab contends that AI ushers in massive efficiency gains and cost reductions for businesses and industry, but also highlights the massive automation of jobs stemming from these very developments. On the one hand, he emphasizes that technological innovation today destroys jobs as never before, whilst on the other hand he underscores that AI unleashes a new era of prosperity through the creation of novel employment opportunities and future industries. He argues that AI disrupts labour markets and workplaces around the

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