Diatom Morphogenesis. Группа авторов

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Diatom Morphogenesis - Группа авторов

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frustule or its components.Measuring forces related with both living diatoms and its cleaned frustules. Understanding the inner ultrastructure of diatom frustule or its parts by cutting cross-sections through it.Observation of the siliceous elements structural relations within the frustule.Observation of the whole 3D ultrastructure of the frustule via the 3D reconstruction. The disadvantages The observations for most of the ultrastructure details will be limited. Either the girdle view or the valve view will be available. Only the tiniest parts of the valve, like pore occlusions, will be observed.The high energy electron beam may damage some sensitive samples, so it should be used wisely. The samples must be coated with a conductive layer, which in turn could change the nano texture of the frustule silica and probably pore sizes, thus the thickness and smoothness of the conductive layer should be optimized and be thin as possible without getting nanoparticles on the top.The high energy electron beam may also damage some sensitive samplesThe regular resolution keep the pore occlusions of very fine porosity (below 10 nm) hidden. The frustules must fix to the substrate before measuring.A very sensitive tool with complicated precautions to follow to get the desired results. This technique sometimes needs more sophisticated preparation of the samples and more sophisticated work to reconstruct the frustule or its parts, however it worth.Related with the presence of the device, which usually is not available for all research groups.

      1.3.1 Recommended Steps to Understand the Complex Diatom Morphology: A Guide for Beginners

      1. Fresh samples, if available, which means the sample is not diatomite (i.e., the fossil form of diatom frustules) [1.31], allow evaluation of the physiological state of the population at the time of collection. The features of living cells might help in the identification process, through the descriptions of colonial forms, cell attachment, extruded materials, plastids, and nucleus position (for instance see Figures 1.1 and 1.2). Since diatom frustules are rigid silica, they appear from two different viewpoints, the girdle view (from the side) and the valve view (from the front) under LM Figure 1.4. Some genera are easily identifiable in girdle view, such as Mastogloia and Amphora pediculus (Kütz.) Grunow, others are not. Lately, confocal microscopy uses are very promising [1.3, 1.13], also combining microscopic and molecular information allowed reclassification of a population in culture annotated as a radial centric species related to Leptocylindrus danicus Cleve, as an araphid pennate species in the staurosiroid lineage, within the genus Plagiostriata [1.14].

      2. The selection of the suitable cleaning procedure, depending on the source of diatoms, is a crucial step to extract the siliceous frustule parts. Routinely, diatoms are identified and enumerated without their protoplasts where striae morphology & number, raphe shape, and other morphological characteristics could be verified for identification (details in Figures 1.3b and 1.4). Among the best guides for the cleaning process could be Wang et al. [1.43]. More gentle cleaning methods (e.g., H2O2 method) should be considered in case we need to preserve mesopores (i.e., fine pores with diameters ranging from 50 to 3 nm that present on pore occlusions, which cover the areolae from inside or outside [1.48]) especially within genera, such as raphid pennate diatoms (Figure 1.5b).

      3. Preparation of permanent slides should be carried out for LM observations using a suitable high refractive index mounting medium such as Naphrax and Hyrax [1.44]. Figure 1.4 considers a good example of observing cleaned frustules fixed in a permanent slide under LM.

      4. Using LM to observe the 2D morphology of the cleaned valve and girdle bands to assign the most similar genus and, if possible, the species. The overall morphology, striae, valve symmetry, ribs, and the presence of raphe will be clear under LM; however, the pores, the spines, and special structures within the valve and girdle band might be not observable due to their smaller size. Though, in other few cases, the areolae might be observable even before the frustule cleaning procedure, especially for large taxa (Figure 1.1b). Valve outline, valve ends, shapes of sturdy, and hyaline silica (not penetrated with striae or other openings) should be recorded. Classical diameter in centric diatoms from valve view or length and frustule depth form girdle view allows verifications of descriptions from literature. Moreover, the frustule silicification rate can be observed under LM reflects information about the environmental condition that surrounds the living cells.

       • the areolae structure from the internal and external valve view,

       • striae (the periodic rows of areolae) shape,

       • striae count in 10 microns or fibulae (in Nitzschioid diatoms [1.11], folds in Surirelloid diatoms [1.18]),

       • sternum size and shape (in Fragilaroid and Naviculoid pennate diatoms),

       • nodule zone or annulus shape and its number (if more than one present),

       • raphe structure and shape of raphe at the end and in the middle of a valve,

       • the pore occlusions (if observable),

       • the presence of spine or other projections like fultoportulae and labiate processes,

       • the shape and porosity of the girdle bands should also be recorded.

      * For calculating the averages and ranges of the measured morphological data at least 10 specimens should be measured. Acid cleaned material allows observation of details but often causes change or collapse of the frustule’s three-dimensional ultrastructure, thus the selection of the most suitable cleaning procedure might be a crucial step to observe the diatom ultrastructure properly. It worthy to be noted that the observation of the frustule parts using SEM might be sufficient for genus and species identification without the need of LM; however, some important descriptions for identification are based on the LM appearance of the valve.

      6. Observing the ultrastructure using TEM [1.38], if necessary and missing details did not appear under SEM, such as the hymenate pore occlusions of raphid pennate (see, for example, Figure 1.5b).

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