Diatom Morphogenesis. Группа авторов

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Diatom Morphogenesis - Группа авторов

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Study the nanotopography of the internal and external surface of the valve using AFM [1.34]. Some features within the valve could be observed through SEM, or even optical microscope if large enough, such as the frustule surface topology, which could be flat or rather undulated, wrinkled, or containing groves; however, other nanotopographical features cannot be revealed without a tool like AFM such as the dome shape of the cribellum in [1.34].

      8. To understand the relationships of frustule elements and the inner ultrastructure of a given valve, or girdle bands, FIB-SEM should be considered (see example in Figure 1.6). For more advanced understanding, one of the methods mentioned for 3D reconstruction should be used [1.41] such as the 3D reconstruction of the 2D image series resulting from FIB-SEM. Through these techniques, a clear understanding of, for example, the multilayer nature of the valve could be obtained.

      Afterward, all the ultrastructure details from inside and outside become well-known.

      We would like to express our gratitude to the editors for their understanding and help; we are grateful for the meaningful suggestions of reviewers. KMM’s work on this project was supported by funding from EPD, State of Georgia, USA. MG is very grateful to Dr. Mary Ann Tiffany for giving him the micrographs in Figure 1.1.

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