Materials for Biomedical Engineering. Mohamed N. Rahaman

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Materials for Biomedical Engineering - Mohamed N. Rahaman

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When the local stress reaches the theoretical or ideal strength of the solid, equal to approximately E/3 to E/8, where E is the Young’s modulus, it is sufficient to break the interatomic bonds and the crack propagates rapidly between two atomic planes, a process described as cleavage. Ceramics, glasses and glass‐ceramics have low toughness or a low resistance to crack propagation when compared to ductile metals.

      Overall, because of the difference in crack propagation:

       Metals (and other ductile materials) have approximately the same measured strength in compression and in tension

       Ceramics (and other brittle materials) have a measured compressive strength that is much higher than their tensile (or flexural) strength

      Consequently, proper design of structural ceramics is required to avoid their exposure to excessively high tensile stresses.

      The fracture surface of ductile metals is often considerably rougher than that of ceramics or glasses due to the high degree of plastic deformation. Ceramics show a smoother fracture surface because crack propagation involves little or no plastic deformation but instead, involves cleavage of atomic planes. Another characteristic difference is that ductile fracture in metals occurs more slowly than brittle fracture of ceramics due to the energy absorbing process of plastic deformation during crack propagation.

      Theoretical Analysis of Brittle Fracture

Schematic illustration of geometrical model used in the Griffith theory of brittle fracture.

      Equation (4.24) is often written


      where, Gc is called the toughness, equal to 2 γ (Section 4.2.6). Thus, we can say that brittle facture will occur when


      Brittle materials do not contain just one crack but many cracks that differ in size. In tension (or flexure), fracture occurs typically by rapid propagation of the largest crack of length 2c. On the other hand, fracture in compression typically occurs less rapidly by extension of many cracks. Thus, the fracture strength in compression is given as


      where, H is ~10 and images is the average crack length.

      4.2.6 Toughness and Fracture Toughness

      Toughness refers to the ability of a material to withstand rapid propagation of a crack through it. The toughness Gc of a material is defined as the energy absorbed per unit area of crack (units J/m2). A high Gc means that it is difficult for a crack to propagate through a material, as in pure ductile metals such as aluminum and copper, for example, which have Gc values in the

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