Climate Impacts on Sustainable Natural Resource Management. Группа авторов

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Climate Impacts on Sustainable Natural Resource Management - Группа авторов

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changes in forest carbon stocks (Baccini et al. 2012; Achard et al. 2014; Tyukavina et al. 2015). However, they might show diverse results due to their different methods for mapping and analyzing.

      1.1.3 REDD+ in Indonesia

      At the COP 15–2009 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Indonesia voluntarily agreed to reduce emissions by 26% and up to 41% with international support by 2020. This commitment was submitted as Indonesia's Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) in 2010 (Indonesia 2013). Since the commitment, Indonesia made some policies, including Presidential Regulation No. 61 of 2011 (Indonesia 2011b) on the national action plan of REDD+ and Presidential Regulation No. 71 of 2011 on the implementation of the National GHG inventory (Indonesia 2011c). Those regulations mandate different government bodies to provide national, local, and corporate GHG inventories annually. Based on its nationally determined contribution (NDC) submitted to the UNFCCC on September 24, 2015 (Indonesia 2016), Indonesia committed to reducing GHG emissions by 29% under BAU (business as usual) scenario by 2030 unconditionally, and up to 41% conditionally. To meet the objective, Indonesia recognizes the requirement for consolidating both methods and data sources to guarantee a high degree of precision.

      This study therefore aimed to estimate annual GHG emissions in East Kalimantan based on the yearly land cover maps derived from satellite data between 2000 and 2016, to determine the historical (2000–2010) and the REDD+ progress (2010–2016) baseline of GHG emissions, and to predict the future trajectories of GHG emissions for 2020 and 2030. Furthermore, 2010 was chosen as the base year for comparing emissions before and after the REDD+ commitment. Also, Indonesia's NDC target in 2030 was selected as the end period of future trajectories.

      1.2.1 Spatial Dataset

      1.2.2 Carbon Stock in Each Land Cover Class

      The emission factor for land cover changes is defined as the stock difference in carbon between two land cover classes (Santosa et al. 2014). The reference for carbon stock estimation for each land cover class was required to calculate carbon stock differences and GHG emissions from the land‐based sector at a specific location. For each land cover class, the reference was generated from research related to above‐ground biomass for specific sites. For forest cover classes, data references were developed from the average of above‐ground biomass in the forest areas (Hairiah et al. 2011). For cropland and agricultural land covered with regular cycles of planting and harvesting, carbon stock references were developed from the time average of above‐ground biomass (Agus et al. 2013a).

Land cover type Carbon stock (tC ha–1) Reference; remarks
Forest Dryland Primary 195 MoF 2008; Agus et al. 2013b
Secondary 169
Mangrove Primary 170 MoF 2008; Agus et al. 2013b; Krisnawati et al. 2014
Secondary 120
Swamp Primary 196 MoF 2008, Agus et al. 2013a,b
Secondary 155
Artificial/Plantation forest 64 Agus et al. 2013b; MoF 2008; Verstegen et al. 2019
Non‐forest Agriculture Pure dry 8 East Kalimantan 2013
Mixed dry 10 East Kalimantan 2013
Rice field 5 Rahayu et al. 2005; East Kalimantan 2013,
Estate cropland 63 Agus et al. 2013b; Verstegen et al. 2019
Aquaculture 0 Agus et al. 2013b
Shrubland Dry 15 Prasetyo and Saito 2000; East Kalimantan 2013
Wet 15 Prasetyo and Saito 2000; East Kalimantan 2013
Savanna and grasses 4.5 Rahayu et al. 2005; Agus et al. 2013b
Open swamp

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